Hi guys, just thought I'd let you know what I'm up to seeing as I've massively neglected my poor, cobwebby LJ. Aside: the CSS is so old and broken on my theme the text is black on black. I have to 'select all' my entire friends list to read anything. That's like, how totally goth I am yeah?
Anyway, not really doing LJ, not really doing facebook either, however I am a twitter fiend at the moment and in the interests of non-spam my twitter username is andrewking - but instead of the 'a' it is an @. Which seemed really clever at the time, but in tweetdeck it just looks to everyone else like my username is 'ndrewking'. Curse you tweetdeck, you spoil all my funs.
Also I launched
Tired but Wired this week, it's all about games and stuff. It's going to be a slow starter but it would be a dream come true if it takes off. Wish me luck :)
Oh yes, Google+ also, I am fizzog9 [@t] gmail [d0t] c0m.
I was always really selective of my friends-list on LJ, I'm just sort of, over LJ itself, which is a shame, I have very fond memories of it. Would be great to see you on some platforms that I actually use ;)
Cheers all g'night!