Title: Forgiveness is the Sweetest Revenge
Author: fabulousweapon
Pairing: Steve/Chin, Steve/Danny (wished for...)
Rating: R
Word Count: 195
Spoilers/Warnings: None
Summary: If only we could choose what to remember and forget. Title is a Isaac Friedmann quote.
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em unless someone wants to make me REALLY happy for Christmas....
There were several things in life Danny wished he could forget. Crappy jobs, crappy exes, crappy things happening to him. He was quite willing to remember that shit though in order to be able to forget the image of Steve's eyes rolling back into his head, his mouth open, white shirt pulled halfway up his chest with his abs tight and glistening with sweat, khakis pulled low on his hips. The tanned skin...
He'd happily remember the day he pissed himself in fith grade when someone brought a tarantula for show and tell and someone had thrown it on his head. He'd also gladly recall the taunts he'd endured to get rid of the low keening moans Steve tried to hold back, hands gripping his desk with white knuckles. The panting choppy breaths, as he struggles to catch his breath in between strokes.
Mostly Danny would give anything to forget how jealous he is when he turns into Steve's office to pass off paperwork to find his partner pinned to his desk by Chin's hand on his throat as the native's hand slides up and down as Steve tries to thrust up into his hand.
Steve's eyes blown wide, face flushed red, a sheen a sweat covering that tanned skin.
He turns away knowing it'll be just him and his hand again tonight..