Okay...so I wrote this for the Prompt Fest AGES ago, but realized I didn't post it anywhere else. Which is sad, because as stupid stories I've written go, this one's kinda cute. Stupid, but cute.
Written for this prompt by
maftoul : steve/chin - one or both of the guys on e at a football party
Title: Otters Are Nice
Pairing: Steve/Chin
Rating: PG (maybe PG-13 for drug use)
Why did we bring them again? This is fucking embarrassing brah.” Kono shook her head at the other half of their team as Danny grins.
“I don’t know, but it’s a huge improvement for My Middle Name Is Destruction’s behavior. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him this happy without firepower and sex involved.”
Sure enough Steve’s leaning into Chin with a huge smile as the he happily follows the game as well as they could be expected to. Steve bounced up and down with glee whenever any team made a point, and let out load embarrassing whoops.
Chin was getting the bad side of the trip though. His eyes kept shifting from person to person in the crowd, unable to concentrate on each threat he was seeing. His dizziness wasn’t as apparent as he was sitting down, but Steve constantly jostling him for attention was going to push him off the bench sometime soon.
Danny was just praying at this point it didn’t get out to the news at this point that half of Five 0 had attended a high school event while high on ecstasy. Granted they’d been drugged on accident while on a case off a tip from Kamekona, but somehow the newspapers would probably forget to mention that part.
“Exactly!” Kono snitted. “What the fuck is the point in bringing a happy go lucky hippy and well…him, to a football game? This isn’t the ballet or Little League. They’re supposed to get pissed off and angry at the other team. Not cuddle and cheer for everyone or fucking freak out because there’s imaginary otters on the field.”
“Otters are nice,” Steve smiles back at them, and Danny can’t help but smile at Kono’s face. Afterall, how can you really yell at someone for being high, when they saved your life that morning?
She pauses, looking at the comforting arm her boss has slung around her paranoid cousin, and softens. “Yeah Steve, they’re really nice.”