Sep 09, 2007 18:19
Okay, so today I went out for the Hunt Seat Assessment for the Equestrian Team. I was really nervous, because I haven't been on a horse in more than four years. Almost five. Yeah, I was nervous.
And they gave me this little mare named Tiro who was totally sweet but a little headshy, whatever no big. We get out there and I was pretty comfortable. Her trot was faster than Janie's and when we started to canter I definitely felt like I was doing something that she didn't like. Janie had this thing where if you alternated a little bit of pressure on the reins, she'd put her head down and bend around your leg really nicely, and I think that's what made Tiro really angry. She decides to bolt, and while I still had control over where we were going, I'd lost everything with regards to how fast we got there. There were five other horses in the ring, so it was kind of crowded, and I did a lot of cutting across the center to avoid upsetting any other horses. The instructor kept telling me to run her at the rail, but at this point I was really thinking that she might jump it and I couldn't run her along the rail because of all the other horses. Basically, I came off looking terrible and very new and I was so embarrassed. I didn't fall off or anything, but it was just a lame mistake and I felt really dumb.
I was demoted to the school master, Killian, and at that point got to show off some walk, trot, canter skills. I'm dissappointed I didn't get to go over any fences - but I guess that's what you get when you can't control the "soo gooood" horse. When I asked "Is there anything I should know about her?" before I got on, that's pretty much exactly what I meant. A note of "Stay out of her mouth." would have sufficed. But I don't like this team, I don't like these people, and I really don't like that I have to pay $35+gas every time I want to head out the 45 minutes to Ocala. I already paid the IHSA fee and the assessment itself was $25, so I don't want all of that to go to waste. And this is what I DO. I love riding, and it was so great to be back on a horse for all of fifteen minutes.
Don't get me wrong, everyone was nice enough and definitely accomadating (here, I'll take your horse, borrow my half chaps, have a Diet Coke, etc.) but I'm so spoiled by sailing. As far as the sport aspect goes, riding definitely owns sailing for me - I'm a good rider, I know my way around a horse, and I love it, whereas I kind of suck at sailing.
And I'm afraid it's going to come down to having to choose between this teams. Although, sailing is my favorite. You don't have to shell out ridiculous amounts of money for anything (I spent three days in Boston for less than $40, the cost of one lesson) you get a sweet tan, and I have all of my gear minus what was lost over the summer. Riding is totally different, you pay for everything, and the people - while friendly - aren't my friends, and don't really seem to want to be. The sailing team is like a family. Once you've crammed fourteen people into two hotel rooms with a bottle of Admiral Nelson, a party ball and an endless supply of champagne over new years, you've pretty much bonded.
If I continue riding, I'll have to purchase the following:
Button-up shirt
Tall Boots (possibly, if mine don't fit)
Plus the show/lesson fees. Argh. I just don't know if it's worth it. It seems like sailing is so much more fun, and I'll get so many more good times from it. Okay, so I won't be giving up sailing any time soon. Ever. Never ever. But I may pick up riding, and if I do, I'll have to get a job.
Boo that.