*Listen to your heart, when there's nothing else you can do*

Mar 14, 2005 22:34

Hello everyone. I'm back and in a totally different mood than yesterday and earlier today. First of all today wasn't half as bad as I thought it was, it was boring and LONG but whatever I got through it. Earlier I talked to two of my amazing close friends who I LOVE and TRUST with everything I have to give. I felt 10 times better about shitty things going on, and everything else I am blessed to have. I love how I can have people I talk to and they not only understand, but really feel me and what i'm saying. I love how much they try to make an effort to show me the other sides of things, and how I don't have to think twice about what I'm going to say. They're just like my journals, except they responde. hahaha. I'm in love with the fact that no matter how hard I fall, they'll always be there to catch me, and I'll always be able to catch them. Truly I'm happy that I have even 1 person in my life that I respect and love with my life, and them the same with me... it's really deep if you think about it. I realize I need to focus on what I CAN control, because so much of my energy has gone into stressing over things I couldn't change that easily. I need to be thinking about what's good for me, physically and mentally. Not only that, but I need to love me 100% no matter how many mistakes I make, no matter how low I'm feeling, and no matter how many flaws I have. I'm not perfect. I'm human, and I love all my flaws that make me me.

((Well back to real life... for now, I'm trying to be hopeful about things and take all downfalls as a lesson to be learned, not dwelled upon. Oh yeah! and today at school there were all these guys filling out brackets and shit. I've never been into that, but I DO follow basketball and I just found out you can win money haha (slow). Soooo tomorrow I'll offically be in it, and hopefully pick the right teams! AND show up the boys who think girls can't do that stuff. I mean Shittt today a guy asked me for advice on a pick<< how wonderful. Anyway I'm out, got some things to do before the clock strikes midnight and I'm 17!))
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