
Mar 11, 2012 14:23

Just a general Livejournal-is-my-diary sort of update ( Read more... )

books, food, maryland

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Comments 13

robinellen March 11 2012, 18:29:32 UTC
Sounds wonderful :) (In every way) -- I tried Amazon bookselling once upon a time, but I just wasn't diligent enough to make it work well (sigh).


fabulousfrock March 12 2012, 13:17:25 UTC
If I wasn't so close to the post office I wouldn't attempt it... To me, that was always the annoying part.


robinellen March 12 2012, 15:26:05 UTC
Yes, it was the P.O trips which did me in -- so that's great ;)


olmue March 11 2012, 21:30:13 UTC
The library thing sounds great! And I think my MIL has that cookbook series. Good stuff.

We lived in a duplex in Illinois for three years that had scary squirrels. Or something, anyway--they got into the attic and walls and would chirp and make a lot of noise in my son's wall. Eventually the owners of the duplexes put new roofs on, and er, sealed up the holes. I didn't want creatures in my walls, but I just hope they made it out first...


fabulousfrock March 12 2012, 13:21:47 UTC
Yeah, seriously... the good thing about birds, at least, is they are all too happy to fly toward open windows and leave... Hopefully the squirrels will stay out until I can do something about the holes!


deenaml March 11 2012, 21:43:56 UTC
Welcome to the Wegmans corner of the country! There's no going back! :)


jenlibrarian March 11 2012, 23:17:29 UTC
I agree!


fabulousfrock March 12 2012, 13:22:20 UTC
SO true. I am so happy they built a Wegman's here just before I moved!


jenlibrarian March 11 2012, 23:14:51 UTC
I recommend having someone come to check the roof/attic/eaves and plug up any holes that are there -- they don't have to even be visible to us to be big enough for SIGNIFICANT critter headaches! and sooner, rather than after spring has fully sprung. I've lived in enough (old, but they don't have to be) houses to say it's worth your while.

(Last year, a squirrel built a nest between the chimney and the side of the house, not even visible from anywhere, and then started clawing his way through the wood siding. It was the scratch-scratch-scratch that alerted me to the problem, luckily before he made it into the attic.)


jenlibrarian March 11 2012, 23:16:24 UTC
oh, ps, the squirrels are fat because it's winter... they slim down a lot in spring & summer.

enjoy all the new wildlife & culture! isn't it great to see how many regional differences there are?


fabulousfrock March 12 2012, 13:25:29 UTC
It is definitely on my to-do list! we knew when we moved in there would be a panicky period where we needed a lot of work done and not enough money to do it yet...but I might bump that higher up the list now... @_@


jessica_shea March 12 2012, 00:04:18 UTC
I'm so excited to see you on Tuesday! And honestly, I feel like time chatting with writer-friends inspires me to go back home and work harder. So: you deserve to come and have a break from revisions! *is an enabler*


fabulousfrock March 12 2012, 13:25:52 UTC
Well, it's TRUE. *happy to be enabled*


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