Jan 16, 2012 15:26
I haven't really had time to talk to anyone so I'm doing a blog post when I have a free moment.
This is one cram-full 900+ square foot condo. It will be so awesome to have a fresh start in a house more than twice the size, AND I get to supervise the moving in, so I can establish some better habits. Like, the filing system Dade had going wherein important papers are stored, jumbled, in plastic bags in a cabinet with the art supplies? Gone.
Dade and I are both equally messy, but in different ways. He is the kind of person who doesn't mind throwing things in a closet in a mess, never looking at the closet again except to throw something else in there, and then buying the same item twice because he forgot he already had it, because it's been in that messy closet for 10 years. I'm the kind of person who might let the messy closet sit for a year or two, but one day I'll suddenly go, "OHMIGOD THAT CLOSET I CAN'T STAND IT TODAY IS THE DAY!!!"
But I, on the other hand, am the one who tends to leave apple cores and chocolate wrappers around. I also am the one who will put something really important in a place I THINK is obvious at the time, but ends up becoming a huge problem because it actually wasn't obvious. "WHERE ARE MY KEYS?" So I can't get mad at him for his foibles. Still, it's nice to really declutter and organize everything for once in our lives, and to have a house I doubt we'll grow out of, even with Dade's hobbies and our book collection.
It's just been taking for-EVER. I've been easily spending 10 hours a day, every day, on cleaning out, organizing, packing, Goodwill trips, Ebaying the better items, etc, for two weeks straight. I haven't properly touched writing in over a month, thanks to the nasty colds we had, Christmas, and now this. I miss writing SO MUCH. I don't remember when I've ever gone over a month without having time to be creative.
But I'm also SO EXCITED. Only two weeks left. AHHHHH!!!