
Nov 16, 2011 17:11

Occasionally I have a dream so silly I have to record it in my blog for posterity...

Last night I dreamt I was my character Det. He was accompanied by his wife (who was not his "real" wife, if you can call a fictional character that), who didn't really have much of a name, face or personality in the dream, she was just there like background dressing. They had time travelled back to about 1910, and the sky was full of experimental aircraft, like hot air balloons with bicycle attachments and awkwardly shaped canvas planes. Det went into a shop to buy an elaborate music box, and the proprietor was also aware of the time travel, and very concerned with the state of J. K. Rowling in 1910.

"She wouldn't have been famous now, of course," she kept saying. "She was poor at this time."

Finally, Det-me, irritated with the saleswoman's preoccupation with J. K. Rowling instead of selling him a music box, snapped, "J. K. Rowling wasn't even BORN at this point."

At the end, a lovely music box in an elaborately-worked silver case was purchased, and...okay, as if this dream wasn't completely inexplicable already, Det said, still rather testily, "Well, the next time Cricket magazine comes out, I want to see Cricket wearing his red sweater."

Then I woke up. Initially confused. But all day I keep thinking about that strange line about Cricket's red sweater and dying of laughter.

I also had a dream earlier in the week that Esmerine was in love with my character Syri. I woke very confused, like, wait, Esmerine is with Alan. But Syri is with another mermaid. Who is that? Why did I write two stories with mermaids? It took me a moment to remember Syri is with a perfectly human girl named Maria and the story in my dream had no bearing on any actual novels. It was so vivid! I'm glad I've been having character dreams, though, even weird ones, because my dreams have seemed mostly turned off for the past month or so, and I hate that!


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