Jan 06, 2011 23:35
I intend to update here regularly, but there just hasn't been much going on!
I've been on a really strict budget lately, so I've just been staying home and getting awfully tired of my own cooking. I have to cook meat or Dade won't eat it, and...I get so SICK of meat. Somehow I always end up with leftovers and only I will eat those so I end up having it for lunch and dinner instead of salad. I've also been eating whatever is cheap, so I bought two big bags of kale on new year's day sales and I have been eating kale with EVERYTHING. Good thing I love kale. I made it through one pound bag today, one more to go...
The lazy days are good, because I've been writing like crazy. There are possible good things on the horizon, QUITE far from being true good news, but I'm feeling all quiet so I don't jinx anything. Everything feels just as I like it, as the new year begins: quiet (but with some travel on the horizon), creative, cozy. (And my stocks are at new highs, that never hurts my mood. )
I'm utterly depressed by the latest news from Borders, though. Potential bankruptcy in 2011? NOOOOOOOOOOO! (Borders is the only bookstore I shop at around here. There are actually THREE locations within reasonable distance, so I am there all the time.) I've been pondering whether I will take my business, if this tragic event happens, to B&N (ugh...so BIG, and they don't have the generous coupons), Books-A-Million (company seems v. conservative, and they also don't have the generous coupons) or the internet (ethical, also cheaper, but...not much FUN). Anybody wanna come open an indie in Orlando?
Betsy decided to chew the cord to both my keyboard and laptop charger in half, so I've had to use Dade's computer (and also spend $100 on new equipment, AUGH). But the kitties are settling in so nicely now. Betsy has been more responsive to petting and visiting, and Okuni curled up on my lap earlier. Oskar, of course, is always an attention whore.
I really just need to be a better critiquer. I have all these wonderful manuscripts in my in-box but I hate to use my computering time on reading manuscripts instead of writing, so I don't read them. When I sell my next book, I am getting a darn ereader so I can read manuscripts in bed...