
Dec 08, 2010 10:38

Ooh, I'm loving the cold weather. It always makes me feel much more motivated to do things. Like make cups of tea in the morning and pots of stew at night! Last night I simmered a big pot of sweet potato, carrot, cabbage and kale in coconut milk and Thai-flavored broth with some garlic and turmeric. Yum. Warm and good.

Of course, it seems to be a rule of Florida life that it will be 80 degrees on Christmas. So I won't expect it to last.

Having just been up north in similar weather in November, though, I've really noticed how Florida cold feels colder than northern cold. I'd never heard anyone mention this, but when I went to New York and Toronto in fifty-something degree weather I noticed I could get away with just a decent jacket, hat and scarf. Around here I feel like I need an actual coat. It must be something about the humidity. And yet, people look at you funny if you actually wear a coat here. Not in a, "Wow, she owns a cool coat" way, but in a "what's wrong with you, this is Florida!" way. It's really odd, especially since the news makes it out like Floridians are complete cold weather wimps and you'd think they'd all NEED coats.

Also this condo is a lousy place to heat. The entire back wall is glass. And most of the front walls as well. And it's lousy glass, where sometimes moss grows along the bottom crack in the kitchen. It's pretty cozy in the bedroom, but in the living space I can feel the cold radiating from the glass for some distance. Thank heaven for tea and cashmere sweaters and kitties that cuddle your feet. Whenever I wake up on a cold morning I remember Laura and Mary waking up to snow piled on their bed that blew through the cracks in the house in the Little House books.
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