Black Friday = Video Games

Nov 27, 2010 15:58

Cool environmentally conscious intellectuals don't shop on Black Friday. I know this because every year all the message boards and mailing lists on various topics to which I belong have a conversation like: "Would any of you go shopping on Black Friday?" "I would rather set a rainforest on fire and eat a chocolate-covered kitten than shop on Black Friday." (This is tongue in cheek, guys, so everyone who does shop on Black Friday doesn't have jump in and defend it. BUT I HOPE YOU BROUGHT CLOTH BAGS. Hee.) And usually I'm kind of up for environmental snobbery myself, so I always feel kind of guilty when I go shopping that day, but hey...I'm not perfect. And if I'm going to shop at some point, it's as good a day as any I suppose.

I have one beef with Black Friday and holiday shopping in general. (Besides the frenzied buying of dumb gifts your relatives don't even want.) The hours. I worked at Sears for five holiday seasons and it's impossible to enjoy your Thanksgiving dinner when you keep thinking, "I have to be at work in eleven hours." (Although other than that I actually liked working that day. There was a lot of energy in the air, and contrary to popular belief MOST people are quite nice, although we didn't have really crazysauce doorbusters, except the ten dollar toasters, which people would go nuts for! It was just a really cheapo toaster and people would buy like five of them! Did everyone in their family REALLY need a new, cheapo toaster!?) So I refuse to shop at any unconventional hour.

But Black Friday has become a bit of an event for me and Dade. We both strongly associate Christmas with video games so on Black Friday we tend to go out and buy video games. And then come home and play them. We're pretty focused and we seem to always get the last one of whatever it was we wanted no matter what hour we leave the house.

I wish I was playing video games now. =( But I have to work. It's already 4 pm. GET TO WORK, me!!!


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