Recipe: Chicken and rice in a pot

Oct 15, 2010 22:55

I remember, when I worked at Chamberlin's, I used to cook marvelous and complicated things all the time, and I thought "when I quit working at Chamberlin's I will make even MORE marvelous and complicated things ( Read more... )


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Comments 3

jengt October 16 2010, 03:06:15 UTC
That sounds REALLY good. Unfortunately, I suck at cooking rice. It always turns to lumpy mush.


fabulousfrock October 16 2010, 03:21:23 UTC
You might be safe with this. Do you usually make white rice? Well, either way, when I make rice on the stovetop, I MUST use my rice cooker, even if I only need 1 cup for myself and my rice cooker makes 8 cups so 1 cup is basically like...all bottom crusties. It's still better than what I do if left to my own devices which is, make a pot of gross goo. But for this dish I use brown, which holds up well, and because it's in the oven and the heat is evenly distributed, and maybe because it kind of gets toasted in the oil for a minute or so, it seems to turn out pretty well. (And Dade doesn't usually like brown rice, even, but with the chicken broth and asiago it turns out really yummy here.)


bondgwendabond October 17 2010, 15:16:05 UTC
We will totally make this! Yum. (By we, I mean Christopher, but I will happily eat it.)


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