Just one of those days...

Oct 03, 2010 02:32

Today I set the oven to preheat while forgetting I had a lovely "artisan baguette" wrapped in a plastic bag in there so the cat wouldn't try to eat it ( Read more... )

boo, yay!

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Comments 4

Yah! boreal_owl October 3 2010, 12:18:42 UTC
A lovely cheque trumps a melted bag!


dotificus October 3 2010, 19:15:33 UTC
Oh dear.

But also don't cry because um, . . . . hahahahaha! ::is wicked::

And how on EARTH did you melt a slotted spoon?

To share an embarrassing cooking story -- I left the plastic bagged innards and gizzards and things inside the first Thanksgiving turkey I cooked.


fabulousfrock October 3 2010, 21:46:08 UTC
Well, it was a metal spoon with a plastic handle, and I stirred my casserole with it, but it needed a few more minutes, and...well, yeah. Guess what I forgot to take out of the dish. *groan*


robinellen October 4 2010, 00:05:14 UTC
My MIL did something like this when letting her mochi sit...she had saran wrap resting on it too, so it ruined the mochi when she turned on the oven to preheat. (she was bummed)


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