Dec 23, 2009 23:04
The bookplate giveaway is now closed! I think I have a few extras left still, but I'm going to catch up with what I have so far and do another one in the future. (sparkforce, you can still send me your address...oop, you just did!)
Some of you asked me questions in your post along with your address, and I can't reply without opening your address to the public, so I will jot you a note when I send you your bookplate!
Well. It's out! I just got back from my first signing. Crazy. It felt really surreal. Really really surreal.
But I think it went well. I sold 19 copies, and seven were to total strangers who were not bookstore employees. I mean, I was there for four hours, but we've all heard how hard bookstore signings can be. I was wondering if I could sell any to people who aren't my family. Especially since it's hardback! I wouldn't buy it, not knowing me!
In fact, I meant to leave when I sold 15 but whenever I tried to pack up more people wanted to talk to me, so I had a few extras over my goal.
One girl even came in who had even read the book! A friend of book blogger The Book Butterfly! That made my day! I also met a girl my same age who mostly reads young adult literature, teaches reading and was clearly of my tribe, as well as a woman who loves Jane Eyre and was even more interested in my next book when I told her it was a little more like Pride and Prejudice with a mermaid. So, as far as establishing little contacts here and there, and felt successful.
It was good to have bookmarks -- nice to have a cheap thing to hand out to engage with people passing by. Most people, of course, avoided me. And it seemed like most of the shoppers were older people and bored looking teenage boys. It was also nice to be able to sketch in people's books. Everyone liked it, and having my sketchbook open on the table drew some people interest.
events i'm at