
Oct 26, 2009 19:57

I said last week I would talk about different salads, but I decided that instead I would just mention the salads I'm eating on this journal periodically. Yes, try to control your enthusiasm. Salads ( Read more... )

food, reviews

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Comments 17

bluemalibu October 27 2009, 00:17:14 UTC
I made a great egg salad yesterday. It was nice to come home to that tonight so that dinner is taken care of :) I used bib lettuce to accompany it which made a nice green crunch for it.

And. . .book reviews are tricky.


lindajsingleton October 27 2009, 00:51:42 UTC
I'm okay with 4 and 5 stars. Even 3 is okay if they add something positive.

But when I see only a 1 or even 2 star...well I remind myself that book taste is subjective and some readers won't care for my story and some reviewers can be tough.

Still if I don't connect with a book, which happens sometimes for otherwise well-written books, I just don't rate it.

Mostly I give out 5 stars, with books that I liked but not loved, getting 4 stars. If I really love a book, I'll give it a short review too (on Goodreads). And I'll recommend it to everyone.

I'm reading MAZE RUNNER now and can already tell this will be a 5 star book. Completely intrigued and caught up in the excitement.


tessagratton October 27 2009, 01:27:49 UTC
I sometimes have this problem - but solved it when I remembered that my favorite books to review are ones I hated. I love love love love being snarky and obnoxious about bad books and movies... which I clearly can't do anymore. So I can be mean about movies... but have to only talk about 5 star books.


fabulousfrock October 27 2009, 04:24:05 UTC
Oh, me too...it's much more fun to trash stuff than praise it. I sound like a horrible person. Anyway, it's less fun to trash now because I know too many writers...(unless they're the rare total douchebag writer, har)


tessagratton October 27 2009, 13:39:06 UTC
Even when they ARE the rare total d-bag, I don't want to trash them in public. Now, at 2am in a kitchen at a retreat with other awesome peeps? BRING IT ON.


authortarakelly October 27 2009, 02:23:17 UTC
Your posts always make me hungry. That sounds delicious right now..and it's fall and I can't find good produce. Grr ( ... )


fabulousfrock October 27 2009, 04:26:59 UTC
Yeah...I love fall because squash and apples are my favorites, but I know you don't like squash, so that's sort of boring.

I agree...but the world is too small (and I am too nice), so five stars it is. Theoretically... Seeing as I rate about...ten books a year maybe? -_-

Okay. I will rate your book truthfully. But it's unlikely I won't like it, since I already read a lot of it in manuscript form!


megancrewe October 27 2009, 02:56:20 UTC
re: GoodReads, I got around that problem by not rating the books I list at all--I only included my absolute favorites in each genre, without a rating (they used to have ratings, and the favorites were not all 5 stars, so this does make a difference).


fabulousfrock October 27 2009, 04:21:41 UTC
Can you not rate them? That would make it less harsh...


megancrewe October 27 2009, 11:41:13 UTC
Yep! You can add books to your bookshelves (on each book's page there's an "Add to my books" button) and just not click on the star thing. See mine here.


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