The stories we love, the stories we sell

Aug 17, 2009 12:13

I'm having an antsy sort of week. I would say that a problem with being a soon-to-be published writer is that it turns me into an attention whore, but I was really already like that. It's just that the itch didn't get scratched very often, so it was even worse.

Luckily, my current project is ahead of schedule right now and going swimmingly, if you'll pardon the pun. It's way too easy to make puns about a mermaid book.

I was talking to brennayovanoff this past week about how the projects we love best often come with most worry that they are not commercially viable. And indeed, both of us have been told that projects we love best may not be the best thing to work on.

I'm not sure where the mermaid book falls in all this. It's almost done and while it has been a real pain to write a lot of the time, it's been a wonderful story world to live in. I found myself thinking of the characters doing boring things and having small interactions, which is a sure sign I've fallen in love with them, and it was something I never quite achieved with Magic Under Glass. And now I'm starting to feel like this is really going to be a good book. The love story is better developed and the themes are more meaningful. At least in my head.

The thing as, I haven't decided whether it's a benefit or a detriment to fall in love with a book. Sometimes I think you get more rambling or more indulgent writing when you love a book. Because I would write about Alan and Esmerine making soup together. And it's more of a challenge to make that interesting. Whereas Nim and Erris have to be doing something to hold my attention.

Although if I write a sequel to Magic Under Glass it will be interesting to see if my feelings change writing a new kind of story with the same characters. That would be a new one for me!

I also think it's easier to love the characters with my second book. I trust my editor more and I have less apprehension about the revision process.


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