A moment with Maggie Stiefvater

Aug 01, 2009 17:09

When a book gets a lot of hype I always sort of hope I will like it. It's fun to like popular books because you can discuss them with everyone and get all excited. Of course, you can talk about popular books you don't like too, but it feels more evil. And when a friend writes a book, I really hope I'll like it so I can cheer on their success not ( Read more... )

books, interviews

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Comments 11

seaheidi August 1 2009, 21:55:24 UTC
What a WONDERFUL in depth interview. WHOA. Promise me you'll interview me too, Jackie!

I loved the discussion about Tuesday and the little things about Beck. I loved that relationship because it was flawed but real, just like real life.

Thanks guys!

I'm going to Tweet this now. =)


fabulousfrock August 1 2009, 22:01:18 UTC
Ha ha, I read a bunch of Kelly Fineman's interviews to see how to sound smart and thoughtful and stuff. And I must have spent hours trying to think of those questions. I'm not sure if I'll make a habit of this interviewing thing, but we'll see. Thanks for the pimpage! =D

I also realized belatedly that today is Saturday. Crappy blog traffic day. Whoops. Well, I'm a full-time writer, I have no orientation as to what day it is most of the time.


seaheidi August 1 2009, 22:15:57 UTC
It shows. Now you must interview your Strange Bed Fellow or I will cry.

Yes darling, Monday or Wed are best. Tuesday adn Thurs are okay. You are so a writer. =))


angie_frazier August 1 2009, 22:22:59 UTC
Awesome interview! I will most definitely bow down for Maggie when she becomes Queen of America :-)


annemariewrites August 1 2009, 22:44:16 UTC
This is a great interview, Jackie!! The writer interviewing a writer makes it that much more interesting to me. :D


jennifer_d_g August 1 2009, 22:53:39 UTC
Well done, Jackie and Maggie! The clever questions called for intriguing answers.


kellyrfineman August 2 2009, 00:39:31 UTC
WONDERFUL interview, Jackie and Maggie!


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