New York, the rest

Jul 31, 2009 23:47

More New York tales ( Read more... )

writer social life, travel

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Comments 20

olmue August 1 2009, 04:34:16 UTC
It sounds so nice! What fun to meet up with so many interesting and nice writers in person!


fabulousfrock August 1 2009, 18:33:21 UTC
Writers are always good company, aren't they!


angie_frazier August 1 2009, 10:36:52 UTC
Love-hate relationship is right! It was so nice meeting you and the others for dinner, even though it was a bit chaotic :-) Next time, I'll be by myself so shopping, museums, and libraries can actually be on the itinerary!


fabulousfrock August 1 2009, 18:28:23 UTC
Yeah, the planning wasn't the best. Well, it would have been if not for that restaurant. I never did make it back there and I am sad. And on the way home I noticed there were a ton of restaurants on 3rd Ave. not far away. argh!


fabulousfrock August 1 2009, 18:32:56 UTC
By the way, sorry I misspelled your name. This voice recognition software is giving me more typos with people's names!


angie_frazier August 1 2009, 19:15:51 UTC
No worries! And I'm sorry to hear you didn't get to try that lamb and lemon and oregano sounded delicious!


tessagratton August 1 2009, 12:47:17 UTC
Ooooo! That sounds excellent, though, overall. Maybe just because meeting editors still sounds to me like that trump card of total awesomeness. Also, I say awesome overmuch, too. We can't help being awesome though and needing the word, right? :D


fabulousfrock August 1 2009, 18:30:01 UTC
Yes, just having an editor to meet was definitely the crown jewel of the visit. The last time I was in New York I didn't even have an agent and I remember thinking that the next time I came back maybe I would have an agent or an editor to visit. I think some of the best moments are when you reach those specific times you dreamed about in the past.

And you're right. We do need the word awesome a lot because it's just true. =D


tessagratton August 2 2009, 12:22:44 UTC
I agree - those are the best moments. Here's to many more!


lkmadigan August 1 2009, 15:16:03 UTC
The whole trip sounds wonderful, except for the achy parts, and I'm envious you got to hang out w/ Savi.



fabulousfrock August 1 2009, 18:31:19 UTC
Yeah, wish you could've been there! We talked about how cool it was that we had all made it and out of all the agents she ended up with Laura and you and I with Jenn.


crissachappell August 1 2009, 16:04:24 UTC
I'm a big fan of the Morgan Library. Next time, I want to be there with you guys!


fabulousfrock August 1 2009, 18:31:58 UTC
I know, I wish I could have visited when you were there. It's hard to plan to meet everyone in one trip but it will happen!


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