Boring-ish life-ish stuff...

Jan 17, 2009 10:38

I got up freakishly early this morning so I guess I'll give a quick update on life.

--This week I finished my revision of the Olivia and Alfred book. I tried to get merciless. Characters were omitted...that's always hard at first, but it reads much smoother despite gaining 5k words.

--Meanwhile, the mermaid book is my primary project and it's at 35k...I'm aiming for 45k by months end.

--I might start dabbling in the Grim Reaper book again. I was having fun with it, but then I started worrying it was too light and funny for me. But then I was thinking, yeah, but, I keep doing stuff of a certain tone and type because I know I've gotten good at it, but I also need to keep stretching. Maybe do stuff I'm not sure I'm good at yet. Otherwise, I'll just write the same thing over and over. Critiquers can tell me if it sucks. It'll just be something to work on when I get a bit stuck on the mermaid book.

--My cats are both sick. They have diarrhea and red butts. Tacy's had problems for awhile and I was trying to change her food, at least stall a vet visit until I got my advance, but clearly my stalling is making her miserable; she's gotten worse and now Oskar's developing the same problem she has. The stool sample test turned up negative for parasites. I'm feeling like a bad cat mom and losing sleep worrying over them. We're taking Tacy to the vet on my birthday. Sigh.

--I also survived a dentist appointment. Man, I worked myself up over that novocaine shot with my needle-phobia and it turned out FINE.


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