(no subject)

Nov 29, 2002 19:28

Yesterday, was, of course (for those of you who are in America), Thanksgiving. These days, I generally think of Thanksgiving of "the day before the day I have to get up really early and deal with a million customers." That's one sad thing about growing up, I remember how Thanksgiving used to be the start of Christmas. After Thanksgiving, it was okay to play Christmas music and read Christmas stories and get really excited. I always got up early to watch the Macy's Parade. This year I slept until 11:30 am.

We went over to my grandparents at 5. We always have a very traditional meal-turkey, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes-we're talking, nothing variant at all. Not that there's a problem with that. Except no pies this year! I like pie. But it was good indeed, and we had wacky conversations about a fictional band my cousin and I could start. Our idea was so loaded with in-jokes to various bands we like, no one would understand it, but it was funny, and then we started making napkin sculptures. My sister made a dead origami crane, and then my cousin made a sculpture with a knife, and then I made this sculpture with the napkin in sort of a suspended wave over the napkin ring. I decided the meaning of it was "the brink of potential."

I also decided a butter knife named Spradley was my muse for the evening. No, I wasn't drinking.

My cousin then made this inspired piece...a napkin halfway over the edge of the table with a wine glass filled with a dollop of whipped cream, with one clump hovering over the edge of the rim. With bated breath, the entire family watched the clump's slow but inevitable plummet to the napkin below. I captured the moment after. (The camera had turned off, or else I would have captured the moment it dropped. Sigh!)

After dinner my cousin and I had a impromptu dance party with Black Rebel Motorcycle Club and later pretended we were a band to the Velvet Teen. Apparently if I was a band lead singer I would not be able to stop moving sort of like Roger Daltrey with a lot of kicking my head back and kind of spasm-ing. Earlier I was being more like Bowie, though, or so my sister said. Yay, Bowie! It was great silly fun, though. I am sorry I didn't spend more time with the rest of the family, sort of, but then again they never really talk about much of anything interesting (well, I shouldn't say never, but they weren't today), so what can you do? Anyway, my cousin is one of those people that brings out my most zany and uninhibited side. Marissa is another. It's so strange how around some people I can just be this total off-the-wall I-don't-care-what-people-think individual and then around other people I feel so dull and lackluster. Most people fall somewhere in the middle which I guess is my usual self, but it is funny how someone's presence can affect my mood so strongly. I guess part of it is adaptation, like trying to become the me that I most think other will accept? Or perhaps enjoy.

Of course then the fun was over as I forced myself to turn in at 11:30 which was still way too late for work and way too early to feel sleepy. But not before reading "Little House in the Big Woods". I reread those books about every year. I still have the same copies my parents once read to me, Little House in the Big Woods is in about five pieces, the rest fare only slightly better.

family, holidays, music

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