Jul 18, 2004 03:22
I don't care if they're repetitive and formulaic, they're silly, and I can watch them for hours, and if you turned on VH1 this weeknd not only could you watch "I Love the 90's" for hours, you could watch it for hours and hours and hours and hours. I, however, simply opted for hours and hours.
You know what would be fun, anti-gravity chambers for home use. Id make my bedroom out of one. The next scientist who reads this, this is your task. Do not dissappoint me like you have been for the part of your life before you read this, scientist.
You know what's fuckin' stupid? Left-handed people. Cut that shit out, nobody's impressed with your social deformity. And if you're a left-handed scientist, you're totally on my shit-list til I see my anti-gravity chamber, and I swear to god if the doorknob is on the wrong side you're getting piledrived onto a used tampon.