I can't think of any way to preface this than to just dive on in to talking about Lost, so here it is.
- Everything is coming together now in the alternate timeline, holy crap. I mean, you've got Sun and Jin and Jack and Locke in the hospital; Sawyer, Miles, Kate, and Sayid with the LAPD; and Jack, Claire, and Ilana at that building where everything legal occurs. And, of course, Desmond continues to be a total creeper.
- So why does Sun recognize Locke when they're being brought into the hospital? Are the connections between the two timelines being sparked now by things more than just The Power of Love? That could also be true of Jack recognizing Locke when he's about to start surgery on him (although in that case it's much more likely that he's recognizing him from their chat at the airport).
- Was Desmond aiming to get Jack and Claire in contact with each other? Is that why he was so insistent that she see Ilana the Lawyer? Maybe Desmond figures it's the easiest way to establish the connection between the two characters, since the past few episodes seem to be all about reconnecting the characters. (Season six could have been called "
Reconnect. Lost" judging by the way the flash-sideways are going. Yes, that was a Kingdom Hearts reference; it's kind of inevitable that I'll be making random KH references.)
- I'm pretty sure we got to hear Ilana's surname when Desmond says he's here to see Ms. So-and-so, but I wasn't paying attention enough to hear what it was. Of course, it could be possible that she has a different surname in this timeline anyway, kind of like Danel Widmore. (I just checked on Lostpedia and her surname in the alternate timeline is Verdansky. I'm betting that's not her surname in the original timeline, though.)
- In the flash-sideways, Jack reacts to the revelation that Claire is his sister in almost the exact same way that he does in the original timeline: stunned silence followed by a Squall Leonheart-esque ellipsis-induced headache.
- Oh, I miss those good old days of lighthearted Skate flirting. Those moments were so fun in season one.
- When Miles rings the doorbell at Nadia's house during an intense conversation between her and Sayid, I couldn't help but be reminded of Miles ringing the doorbell to Ben's house in "The Shape of Things to Come" during the fortification of the house.
- Oh Sawyer. Too bad you can't trip badass zombies with garden hoses every day. (And because I am obsessed with being grammatical all the time, I'm really annoyed that I can't think of another way to write that sentence without the misplaced modifier so it doesn't sound like I'm describing a badass zombie wielding a garden hose or something like that.)
- Leave it to Hurley to make the Star Wars references. "But you can come back from the Dark Side. Like Anakin--" And that could perhaps be a nod to the fact that in many ways, Sayid = Anakin.
- Confirmation that Man in Black did indeed take the form of Christian Shephard on the island! It wasn't like it was a shock, though; if you were smart, you would have figured that out long ago.
- There seemed to be a lot of nods to moments/scenes in past episodes in this episode. Sawyer's whole alternate plan to not go with Man in Black is reminiscent of the trek to the Others' camp with Michael in the season two finale, especially when Sawyer says something to the effect of "it only has to be these people." Man in Black says that he can only leave the island if he has all the candidates with him, which is like how Ben said that all of the Oceanic Six had to be back together in order to go back to the island. Desmond asks Sayid what he would say if Nadia (because I'm assuming that his beloved that he wants resurrected is Nadia) asked him what he had to do to get her back, which is reminiscent of the lengths Michael goes to in order to get Walt back, and Ben guesses that he won't be able to tell anyone about the island because he'd have to admit what he did to get Walt back. The conversation between Jack and Sawyer on the boat about whether or not they should leave the island is nearly identical to the conversation that Jack and Locke had in the Orchid in the season four finale regarding the same topic (except now Jack has the same viewpoint that Locke did). Sawyer and Kate leave Jack behind, or rather Jack leaves them behind, kind of like what happened in season three after the Hydra plot arc (I totally predicted Kate being all WE HAVE TO GO BACK FOR HIM). Sun and Jin's reunion--after being apart for three years, and talking about how they would always wait for each other, and they never stopped looking, etc.--was a lot like Desmond and Penny's reunion in the season four finale.
- It's odd; there are some moments when I'm a tiny bit frightened of Claire, but there are other moments when I just want to wrap her up in my fake Snuggie. Seeing her and Jack together, with them both aware that they are siblings, actually makes for a pretty strong comparison between them and Simon and River from Firefly. I mean, now
this just seems all the more applicable. Let's just hope Claire doesn't start rocking back and forth and murmuring "Two by two... hands of blue..."
- What's changed to make Zoe and the rest of Widmore's people so hostile and all GIVE US DESMOND OR WE'LL BLOW SHIT UP and THE DEAL'S OFF, NOW LET'S BLOW MORE SHIT UP? Is it because of what happened to Desmond when he was zapped with the electromagnetism?
- What happened between Desmond and Sayid after Desmond asked Sayid what he would tell the person he brough back what he did to get her back? I say it's very safe to assume that Desmond was not killed offscreen, so did Sayid let him go, or is he still hanging out in the well? What with Desmond not actually being killed, and Sawyer and co. taking off on their own, I sense that we're going to have a very pissed off Man in Black shortly.
- SUN AND JIN REUNION AWWW. Although I think a lot of it was ruined by the fact that when they were running to embrace each other my mum was all "OMG WHAT IF THE FENCE WASN'T TURNED OFF YET? ONE OF THEM'S TOTALLY GOING TO GET ZAPPED!" (You know that one or the other is going to be gone sooner or later, though. I'm pretty sure Darlton hinted a while back that Jin and Sun's reunion was going to be a short one, and there's apparently going to be loads of deaths coming up before the series finale, one of which is apparently going to be extremely sob-inducing. Although, I have to admit that I was almost hoping someone would die tonight, just so I could be all, "
NO, [insert character here]! Who else will I have ice cream with?" and generally ruin the moment.)
- So is Jack really on Man in Black's side now? The title of the episode, "The Last Recruit," would indicate that Jack is the last recruit that Man in Black needs (since he's been "recruiting" all season). Is it like what Claire said to him, how once you talk to Man in Black it's too late and you're already on his side?
I feel like I could be forgetting some things because my brain is somewhat addled at the moment. Next week, though, we get a week off, which is going to be so sad because WHAT WILL I DO WITHOUT MY MIND GETTING BLOWN FOR TWO WEEKS? From what I've heard, though, the next episode is going to be quite the shocker. I CANNOT WAIT.