So I figured I'd start things off with a short little reaction to this week's episode of Lost. I've been writing up these little reactions immediately post-episode since the beginning of season five, but this is the first time I've posted them anywhere. Anyway, expect much capslocking and many attempts to relate Lost to my other fandoms in these reactions.
In this week's episode, Jack and Hurley went TO THE LIGHTHOUSE! (because who doesn't love Virginia Woolf?) And the obligatory
- Sideways!Jack has a teenage son named David! Who is just about as communicative as
Squall Leonhart! (And apparently father issues and Jears run in the family.)
- So who is David's mother? Unless Jack and Sarah met differently in the flashsideways timeline, he wouldn't be Sarah's son because Jack and Sarah met in 2001, so there's no way they could have a teenage son in 2004 unless Jack and Sarah met earlier on (like, early 90s) in the sideways timeline.
- David is a piano prodigy, just like Daniel! At least Jack's not all NO YOU CAN'T PLAY PIANO YOU MUST BE A SCIENTIST DOCTOR!
- David's reading the annotated version of Alice in Wonderland, as a reinforcement of the association between Alice in Wonderland and Jack (such as two of his episodes being titled "White Rabbit" and "Through the Looking Glass," and that in "Something Nice Back Home" he was reading Alice in Wonderland to Aaron and said that his dad read it to him as a child too).
- I wonder why they didn't show more regarding the mention of Claire in Christian's will?
- SIDEWAYS!DOGEN LOL WHAT. Too bad he's not doing anything like training Keyblade Masters, lol. (Yes, I am convinced that Dogen =
Master Eraqus.)
- What's the significance of Jack and his appendix scar? (Another flashsideways difference: 2004!Jack has a smooth chest!) It's weird that he would be surprised by it even though his mother said he had his appendix taken out as a kid. Is this evidence that some things from the regular timeline are slowly creeping in?
- Oh Hurley, you are amazing. "Because I like temples... and history... you know, Indiana Jones stuff." "He kind of just shows up whenever he wants, like Obi-Wan Kenobi." "JACK BROKE YOUR LIGHTHOUSE!" And calling Dogen a samurai (I thought of
Auron, lol). And the lampshading he does with the skeletons in the caves, about how what if the skeletons were really time-traveled versions of two of the Losties which was one of the most common theories during season five.
- The caves! I think that's the first time we've seen them since season one. They brought back such season one nostalgia...
- So did Jacob use the lighthouse to spy on his candidates, as seems to be implied by the fact that the coordinate 23 (Jack's number) shows Jack's house? Who is the person coming to the island? (It's got to be someone important if their number is 108, the sum of all the other candidates' numbers.) Could it be Desmond? Widmore? There's not that many other significant characters who are off the island at the moment.
- OMG CRAZY JUNGLE CLAIRE IS AS CREEPY AS FUCK. The first tipoff was when Jin looked in the cradle and there was a DEAD ANIMAL in there. I think what makes her so creepy is that she seems to be all nice and normal and sweet like she used to be and then she starts SWINGING AXES INTO PEOPLE'S STOMACHS. Seriously, when she was sharpening that ax I was like "Oh shit, Claire, what are you doing with that ax?"
- Claire said that the Others brought her to the temple and tortured her, and they would have killed her if she hadn't escaped. (When she said "and they branded me" my brain that has been far too immersed in Final Fantasy XIII lately immediately supplied
"AS A L'CIE?") This probably means that they did the same thing to her as they did to Sayid, and that was how they determined that she was infected. (Also, kind of ironic how she tells Jin how the worst thing to worry about out here was infection.)
- Seriously, how many gratuitously bloody shots of Jin's leg did they have to show? It was almost as bad as Sawyer's gunshot wound at the beginning of season two.
- Why did Jin lie to Claire and say that the Others had Aaron? Was he just trying to lure her to "safety" in the temple? Seems like a stupid thing to do, though, because when Claire inevitably runs into Kate, Kate's going to be telling her that she was raising Aaron, and Claire might end up putting an ax in her stomach. (Though I admit that I will rejoice if Claire does end up killing her.)
- Jacob says that Hurley and Jack shouldn't go back to the temple, since someone bad is coming there. That probably refers to Man in Black, but it could also refer to Claire as well.
- In another super-creepy moment, Man in Black shows up at Claire's shelter and she's all "That's not John... that's my friend!" So how long have the two of them been in cahoots with each other? Clearly this means that Claire is on MIB's side as well. This could also be further evidence that when Claire saw Christian in the jungle back in season four, it could have been MIB assuming the form of Christian to lure her away, and they've been hanging out together ever since. If Claire's been hanging out with MIB for a significant period of time, does that mean that she knows who he really is?
... Needs more Ben and Richard, though. Seriously, two of the funniest moments from last week's episode were Richard acting all twitchy and frightened in the jungle and Ben's little coffee rant, especially when he busts out some Dr. Seuss rhymes: "Fear not, I will make another pot!"
[ETA: According to screencaps and a list on Lostpedia, number 108 is apparently someone named Wallace, whose name has been crossed out.