:; amazing 3 day weekendd *

Jan 17, 2005 17:10

wow this weekend has been absolutely amazinggg. ♥

friday me christine and lyssa took on roosevelt lol. had alot on our minds so what better way then to shop it off right? picked a bunch of cute stuff out for christine, although i still insist she shoulda got that brown shirt! lmao and lyss watched some black girls get in a fight. i got a shirt, its cute lol.

saturday my mom went away for the night width kats mom and some other peoplee.. so i had to stay home width the girls and help my dad out width lyk the dogs and the brother. so me kat and lyss were in our pjs by lyk 5 oclock and we played massive pool and listened to lots of mj lmao. dhen we watched tha jets game width my daddy. OMGGGG I WAS SO FUCKING HAPPY THEY LOSTT«3 so amazing. dhen we watched w/o a paddle which we have decided that it is so me kat n lyss. we pranked massive people ' do you really want to hurt me' lmao. went to bed kinda early cusz we were mad tired.

sunday we woke up pretty early lyk 11 and i showered and we all got ready and stuff. then at 230 we picked up christine and went to the mall. then jen came with anthony, nick, and greg and they all saw coach carter and me and lyss just did some more shopping. lmao we ate lyk beasts and we set the alarm off in wet seal ' why the fuck would we be stealing shit we fucking hate this store ' lmfao. then we met back up with the rest of them and the guys were being gay and shit and left and we saw them go into ikea and so we paged them to the main enterance in ikea. but they werent there and me and jen found them in the elevator and then we left. we all went backk to mikes and hung out with people there, but then a massive amount of people left so most of the night it was just me lyss mike jimmy greg and jerry. it was cute lol

today was amazzzinggness. mike woke me up at 1030 and he wanted us to come over at like 12 ( not happening ) lol. me and lyss get there at like idk 1245 maybe 1. and then suprise rob was there lol my friends are jerks and dont lyk to tell me these things. i looked beastly lol. it was cute tho, rly good day lol. we were gonna play some snow football but it was way fuckin cold out. and rob and jimmy were telling alyssa that i said all this shit about her so that she will beat me up =[ not nice lol. we watched some movies, hung out, the usual it was a good day.

blah now im home and i still gotta shower and do hw and stuff.. battle of tha sexes tonight!!! so0o0 mad brad is gone tho :; screams :;

.. sOmetiimesz tha |[ easiieszt ]| thiinqsz we
tAke fOr :; qrAnTeD :; unTiiL tHey qOne we
never reaLiized tHat we eVen had iiT «« ---
:; `* fOr rEaLL .. :; *` - NELLY. ; )

comment lyk crazy you sluts.
xoox, Weenie ♥
i love you rob «3
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