Nov 13, 2007 08:33
I can't give up on radio and TV, it seems. If you're a political junkie, like myself, then you seek it out. Here's my schedule -
Mornings it's CSPAN's Washington Journal, until I can't stand it. Because although Washington Journal has GREAT GUESTS of all political stripes, it has the STUPIDEST callers in America. I'm not being biased here, because if you want to hear stupid liberals go on and on, Washington Journal's your place. As for dumb righties, well, of course they are here. Plus, unlike experienced talk show hosts from Limbaugh to Rhodes, CSPAN hosts allow callers to go on and on and on and on and on. CSPAN hosts also permit callers to spread lies wthout challenging them. So someone can insert the meme that Hillary tortures puppies as a hobby, for example, on national TV. To be fair, a liberal told a whopper about Bush the other day. The moron said that Bush, who was governor of TEXAS hadn't ever been to a foreign country before he was President. The host should've said: "Well, isn't neighboring MEXICO a foreign country?" Because I guarantee that Bush had at least crossed the border as TX governor.
When Washington Journal gets craptacular, I turn to Bill Press on WWRC 1260 AM. Bill's a gentle soul, but he's a little TOO tuned into the DC establishment. Howard Kurtz, who appears on there regularly, needs to be neutered. Either that or outed as Rove's boyfriend. The general manager of WWRC loves Lionel, who comes on from 9 am to noon. That's because he repeats Lionel from 7 pm to 10 pm. Lionel can be fun, but he treats his callers with utter disdain. He appears to believe that simply because he is an attorney, he's smarter than everyone else. Next comes Ed Schultz from noon- 3pm. A lot of the far, far left think that Ed's a faker, but I love him. He makes me feel normal. Yes, I know that he's an egotistical dickhead, but I only listen to him, I don't live with him!
Thom Hartmann comes on WWRC from 3-6pm, unless management decides to schedule paid advertisements which cut into his show. Let me trash WWRC for a bit. They are a hideously run station, and often run commercials over the regular programming. Either they have drug addicts at the helm or these Clear Channel pigs are running the station on auto-pilot. Did I mention the excessive dead air on this station as well?
Which leads to discuss another station WWWT 1500 AM, which broadcasts talks shows left and right. The righties are on in the morning, Randi Rhodes is on from 4-7 pm and Stephanie Miller is on from 7-9 PM. This is a far better run dead air, etc.
Night time it is back to WWRC from 10 pm-1 am with Jon Elliott, who started out wimpy, then got so subversive that he was deliciously scary, but now he's ranting a little bit too much...Getting so over the top that it is camp.
jon elliott,
bill press,
stephanie miller,
randi rhodes,
thom hartmann