The next drawing was found on There is no mentionning whether the owner of said site is also the artist behind the drawing. It could just be an upload too from some other site to tumblr ...
Enlarged so you can read what the various characters are saying:
I think I like Magnus and Alec the most. Magnus trying to get Alec to get into the mood after all and perhaps even look a tad sexy but Alec plainly refusing and even putting an entire sheet over him just to avoid that anyone would notice him. His blue eyes stand out nicely though ...
Isabelle of course goes for an ass-kiccking character as she herself kicks ass quite wonderfully. But she dresses at least up to fit Simon in his Dungeons & Dragons obsession.
Jace ever wanting to be romantic and Clary refusing to be a week girl, LOL. You go, girl!
And of course Jonathan would love to be as succesful as Julias Ceasar. Well, good luck to him!