A lovely coloring of a page out of the manga. Sadly I have no clue anymore where I found this or who is behind the coloring ...
I like the colours that were used. Only criticism I have is that I find the red colour that was used to highlight Shusei's brun scar is a bit too bright and too red to my liking. I doubt the scars trully still look that aggressive. But for the rest is it nice to see how each panel got a different colored background whilst using a similar pattern to bring the panels together to one whole. Especially like the colors used on Kuroto's clothing and the gorgeous burgundy red of Ria's hair. Tsukumo's green shirt and Toko's pink dress is also lovely chosen. All in all a pretty coloring job.
Another undefined work. I still remember that this is one of the last pages of an entire dj but I only saved this page as this was the only page I liked. I have no clue anymore though who made the dj, what the dj was called or where you can find it. My apologies.
Loved here the differences between the Zweilt pairs. Tsukumo of course having food on his mind and Toko looking as if she didn't expected anything less of her brother. Yet she doesn't look annoyed but more like: "this is how he is and I wouldn't want him any other way even if it would be nice if from time to time he could have something else than food on his mind".
Hotsuma and Shusei, LOL. Hotsuma having lost his cool once anew and feeling relaxed enough around Shusei to show this side of him to his friend even if said friend clearly is used to this and has found his own way to survive Hotsuma's tantrums, LOL. This just shows how close they trully are.
Senshirou showing his affection for his kuropi and Kuroto blushing madly and on the verge of blowing his top thanks to this. That boy just has no clue how to deal with genuine meant affection. Not that this deters Senshirou. He likes his kuropi just the way Kuroto is.
A very cute interpretation of the three Zweilt pairs.
On to egoistlove now. She has a journal on livejournal:
http://egoistlove.livejournal.com/ And an account on deviantART under the name of karinaAvitia. This link takes you to her deviantART page:
http://karinaavitia.deviantart.com/ Ah the love, and not just from our boys up front. Look how Senshirou is hugging his Kuroto. Yuki, Luka, Toko and Tsukumo all seem very content too that Hotsuma and Shusie have finally managed to get their act together. It was high time although Hotsuma seems unable to control himself now anymore if the second part is anything to go by. What and eager and happy puppy Hotsuma has become now taht he finally can kiss his Shusei. Luka feels like he needs to protect Yuki's innocence. Toko didn't expect this if her pig tails are anything to go by. And Kuroto seems to fear that Senshiro may get ideas and with his lovey-dovey Senshirou clings to Kuroto, Kuroto may be on to something ... A very cute drawing.
And to end a drawing off Mila137 who can be found on deviantART:
http://mila137.deviantart.com/ Adorable, right? Sodom got a little Santa hat. Yuki looks so happy decorating the tree. He is probably happy that they can all spent the holidays together. That he is finally surrounded by people he calls not only his friends but also his family. That he has found a place to truly call home. Luka smiles contently at Yuki. As long as Yuki is happy, so is he. Tsukumo of course is already devouring the candy cans and Toko pats her brother affectionately on the head. Tsukumo won't change, Toko knows that. He is a lovely constance in their hectic life that she can cling to when everything else goes out of control. She is holding a mug with hot cocoa. Hotsuma, with a game of course, and Shusei comfortable right beside him with a book. Both boys enjoying each other's company whilst enjoying their own hobby. Although Hotsuma's game doesn't seem to be going to the boy's liking, LOL. Senshirou is feeding Kuroto a cookie and is he happy that he can do this! And he hasn't felt Tsubaki's eyes yet on him, the girl peeking in from outside. I bet she is wishing she was in Kuroto's place here ... Ria and Ibuki are arriving and waving cheerily at Takashiro who waves and welcomes them enthusiastically back with I think he is holding mistletoe. Is he hoping for a kiss from his secretary? And poor Tachibana was transformed into a snowman by Isuzu, Sairi and Masamune.
Very cute! And very in character too. Perfect work for the Uragiri family!