Sep 22, 2015 20:02
Surgery yesterday seems to have gone well. I came out of sedation 45 minutes after I was injected with the surgery having been completed just 5 minutes earlier.
It hurts a lot, and I'm grateful for my friends especially the 2 who are taking care of me.
Much of the last 3 days was spent with mom and dad, but I'll write more on that when I'm using something with a proper keyboard.
One funny-ish story from yesterday: the resident came in and asked me where it hurt. He pressed a couple of places near the side and back of my heel and marked them as I told him where there was pain. The pain wad definitely there, but pretty mild. My doctor came in, looked at my foot, and said "this is all wrong." He pressed dead center on my heel and my eyes nearly crossed with the pain and he re-marked the foot. I think my parents were reassured that I wasn't just being a wimp, although they had gotten to see how badly I limped without the boot on or a cane to help.