Jul 05, 2010 11:50
I'll keep it to the top five. Seriously, ONE Favorite character of either sex? The person who came up with this meme obviously wasn't a Gemini.
5) Frank McPike -- Wiseguy
He was described by other characters as scrawny, wimpy-looking, and unfeeling. In reality, he was stalwart, loyal, and terrifying when pissed. There was a scene during the garment district arc when a six-foot four mook with a law degree grabs his arm and tries to threaten him subtly. McPike pulls himself up to his full five-foot eight-ish and says quietly, "Do you know you have your hand on me?" Mook backs off, smartly.
He's a bureaucrat who believes in the system, but doesn't always respect the men who've been made his bosses. He finds lying painful, but will do it, mostly by omission, if it's necessary. Between them, McPike and the Lifeguard, make life bearable for the men undercover. He's a remarkable character, even if he does buy his clothes at "Sid's Suit Shack."
4) Marco Pacella -- The 4400
We meet him in the second episode. He's young, but he's in charge of the the Theory Department, a small group in the basement whose office is nerd central. He has a crush on Diana, but as we get to know both characters, it's clear that he has no illusions about her. He breaks the law for her because she's convinced it's a higher moral right to do so. All of that makes him sound like a doormat, but he isn't. He's more like an old-fashioned Lancelot for whom love is the greatest duty of all. There's a dream sequence where he thinks he's dying and his last act on Earth is to drag himself closer to Diana and her daughter; the posture is protective of them. I really adore Marco.
3) Vincent -- Beauty and the Beast
He understands pain. He's mature and wise, loves poetry. If he laughed more, he'd be higher on the list. The fact that he's not fully human is a mere incidental, honestly. He's the protector writ large, but I respect the fact that he respects Catherine. If she asks for his advice, he'll give it, but there's never any assumption that she'll take it.
2) Doctor Spencer Reid -- Criminal Minds
Yes, I have a crush on the actor. And somewhere along the line, Doctor Reid acquired some of his actor's talents -- like sleight of hand -- but Reid is a performance and a really wonderful one considering it's the actor's first major role. It says something about the character and the man who plays him that we can believe he had multiple Ph.D.s before the age of twenty-one. He's able to empathize with others to a startling degree, although all the characters on Criminal Minds seem to share that trait.
Reid's the designated whump character, but the character rises above it.
1) Doctor Daniel Jackson -- The various Stargate iterations
I'm in love with Daniel Jackson. I've never been able to stand James Spader, but I loved Daniel Jackson in the movie. I squeed a lot during the film, which I saw on the opening night in the theater. My sister was less enamored.
Nearly a decade later, I find the show on Sci-Fi. And it's a different actor, but Daniel is Daniel. I think Shanks is a fine actor. I enjoy him in most things I've seen, even some of the cheesier "the-kids-need-new-shoes" cheap made for Sci-Fi movies he's done. But while I could see spending an evening shooting the breeze with Shanks, I could see spending a lifetime learning with Daniel. The character is good. Like Spencer Reid, we have to believe he has more than average brilliance, and Shanks makes it credible.
Daniel's never been a coward or a wimp, though I'm always amazed at the directors and producers who think he is. I can only assume they've never actually seen the show they work for.