I got home safe and sound, if late, last night.
I actually like the hotel we are in now for Arisia. Yes it has its faults, but its generally good. I expect the usual convention progress of slowly getting the hotel settled into having us, and finding all the local stuff.
I saw so many of my friends i would be hard pressed to single any of them out, but i will mention just a few:
Dr. Betsey (
witchwestphalia )came down and helped me out for part of the convention. That meant i got bathroom breaks and had someone to leave in the "shop" for the BPAL meet and sniff. THANKS!
octoberland kindly volunteered her room for the
Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab perfume meet and sniff. we had a blast, more about that in my next post.
pierceheart had a great Jayne hat on, but i hardly recognized him at first as he wasn't carrying his coffee mug and standing in a sandy background (thats his userpic for those who don't know)
badseed1980 looked great, and i meant to ask if she had lost or gained weight or something, but we didnt have a lot of time to chat.
tovahs and
stormsdotter stopped by. i saw Tigs,
tigira ,of course.. looking good as always. plus family.. i miss seeing her on line as much as i used to, but she has .. you know.. a life? one of those things.....
many of the merchants who have Live Journal accounts were there, but naturally i dint get to see many of them. i saw
brute_force briefly, and
nancylebov got me my custom BPAl buttons.
and the bread machine was a big hit, luring in unsuspecting customers.. and feeding merchants.
anyway, if you were at Arisia, and especially if i saw you. please post a comment. YES even if i already mentioned you.....