Miracles can occur. someone showed up this morning at the restaurant and said they found it. i dont know who..
i dont know if they ACTUALLY found it, or if they felt guilty, or what.. and you know? i dont care.
Thank Gd...
so because of my arthritis i have been using a small "coupon organizer" instead of a cash box for the last several events..
keeps the money organized and easier on my hands..
its small, and black.
well after Zenkaikon we went to Baja Fresh in K of p to get food, i was low blood sugar shaky... the cash box and my purse went on a chair... we ate.
i was refilling my drink before we left... wayne decided there was no reason for me to need to come back to the table.. he grabbed his stuff and my purse, and brought them over to the drink station, and we left
not i did NOT say he grabbed the "cash box"
i of course thought he did.
as soon as i noticed we called , no one had turned it in, they cannot find it, of course, and the manager didnt see it in the parking lot either we had gotten almost home by then.
we will go in in the morning and look, but its pretty evident that someone saw it, looked inside and just walked with it.
my entire income for Friday, my ones and fives for change.. all of it. gone
oh and my tax id, some receipts, business cards....
its not a lot of money in the absolute sense, but it is quite literally all i had.
i hope no one needs change tomorrow. and i hope i make enough money to even begin to catch up.
keep me in your thoughts and prayers, i SO did not need this