so after a rather bad start to the in "supposed to _be somewhere_ at 11 am and didnt even get a chance to leave the house until 1" (and being late makes me NUTS)
we all piled in the car and went to Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival
i think we got there at close to 3, it closes at 5
This was Bella_Cash 's very first exposure to a big outside event like this, her very first sheep and wool event, and her very first exposure to sheep! i mean since she was a pup.
Karakul sheep....
REALLY wanted to. the other sheep were interesting and she wanted to sniff them or something, but that KARAKUL had her undivided attention. i dont know if it was its looks, or how it smelled, or how it moved.. but wow.
she was pretty overwhelmed. after the first few minutes it was "OK, done now"
mom...DONE NOW.. the exit is over there....
we met two other service dog teams, and the first ( a very nice doberman who quite properly ignored her) she SO MUCH wanted to play with. i guess with all the weird smells and people walking up and petting without asking she figured it was a dog park.
we had to block her and make her sit. she was SO SAD. the other handler said her dog was overwhelmed at her first MDSW too.. and she could tell Bellas just wanted to play.
the next one i saw (a Golden i think) i crossed the street. you could almost hear Bella go "HMMPH! wasnt nterested in that dog ANYWAY!"
had a shouted coversation with the handler.. her dog was a veteran of the wool circuit, but she was being embarrassed because she had forgotten to pack her dogs vest! so we kind of much as you can shouting across a roadway of shoppers.
so i got a lot of nuno felting supplies as well as supplies for the needle felted coat for school.
now i obviously just have to .. you know.. get some of it DONE