This weekend: vending and Hurricane Irene

Aug 25, 2011 19:07

so, i will be vending at Pi-Con ( i believe) this weekend in Enfeild Ct. I will be sharing a room with Lady Guendalina's Closet AND retrieving my beads so i can put them back up on my Etsy shop!
Both of us plan to leave early-ish on Sunday to deal with the storm. so shop on Saturday!

now, about that Hurricane.

It looks to be a bad one, but of course you never know until it hits HOW bad. Please folks, you should already have a disaster plan for your house hold, but just in case you don't?

check the batteries, in everything, but especially your flashlights.
find the flashlights for that matter, make sure they are easily in reach.

have a jump bag ready to go with copies of important documents, (like what meds you take and insurance) plus emergency food, and whatever you need to survive in a pinch. has a great list. i ESPECIALLY like the hand crank radio that can power your cell phone.
speaking of which, you DO have a spare cell phone battery on hand, already charged, dont you?

have bottled water for at least two days on hand for you and your pets, OR the means of purifying your water.
emergency food that doesnt require heat or refrigeration (the raw foodies are mostly ready but the rest of us rarely are) for you AND your pets.
a spare can opener

in addition, as any Pennsic going SCAdian can tell you, layers of clothing!!!! preferably linen and or wool..
and now would be a GREAT time to remind you that giant zip lock bags are good for packing clothes, as are any of the various vacuum sealers.

i routinely keep vacuum sealed "emergency clothes" in my car at camping events, they have saved my tootsies all too often.

be safe. and if you CAN come to Pi-Con, pls come shop!

irene, hurricane, pi-con, emergency, be prepared, pets

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