1. Leave me a comment saying, “interview me.”
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. Update your LJ with the answers to the questions. (You must do this, even if it's filtered for my eyes only!)
4. Include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
Comment to this post and I will give you 5 subjects/things I associate you with. Then post this in your LJ and elaborate on the subjects given.
1. What are you most proud of for accomplishing in your life so far?
seriously? going to college and managing the grades i have gotten this year.
2. If you could change one thing, only one, about you, what would it be? Would you change anything? Why, or why not?
if its ANYTHING then.. i wish i didnt get so emotionally involved so hard. i take stuff a lot more seriously than many other people, and its gotten me hurt.
if its physical? my weight.
3. What do you want to do in your life within the next 10 years?
i want to have my business up and running well, and my inventory on line reliably. i need to be seriously able to support myself on it.
4. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? Why there?
oh..oh dear.. i know TONS of places i want to visit, but live?err....i am not sure i know anyplace else well enough to judge.but maybe one of the more temperate areas of Hawaii?
5. What is your greatest fear?
being homeless.
And your five subjects: jewelry, cons, skirts, pearls, and fragrances.
you asked for it....
Jewelry, oh my GD i love jewelry. oddly i dont really wear it much, but i love looking at it, i like buying it, i like making it... its color and accessories and stones and metal and YUMMY. Its all the best things about being a kid playing dress up. and its something that people look at and hopefully go "nice" and look all surprised when they find out you made it. and it is always a surprise.. it never comes out the same way twice
Cons...i sort of love them, and sort of hate them. i love not being the weirdest person in the room. i love being around people who GET my references. i love seeing my friends...i love the STUFF and the panels and the costumes....but i hate crowds, and get really anxious around large numbers of people.. so i stay behind my table or in my room and keep it manageable.
skirts? heavens what is there to say? they come in so many forms, you can have pencil, flare, long, short, there is a skirt for any shape or size.. and they SWISH when you walk if they are long and full.... they look so demure and modest and all, but pair a pencil thin long skirt with a corset and suddenly you have way wicked. skirts hide a multitude of figure faults, or show them off, depending on what you do with them. and unlike pants they are EASY to construct.
pearls.sigh. pearls are so pretty, and they can be colored, and they can be white, and they look AWESME and they come in a wide range of shapes and sizes...but they are awful heavy when piled in a box....
Fragrances.. in one of my classes we got a lot of quotes from designers. one very famous one says "a woman who doesnt wear perfume has no future" another claims that a "woman who doesnt put on at least a lipstick and a dab of perfume has no self respect"
dont think i agree, but its an interesting quote
i used to wear commercial perfume, until they started giving me migraines. they also trigger wayne's asthma. so for many years i was sad..no perfume. then i decided to try BPAL and found that MOST of them do not trigger either!!!! and so started collecting scents. i tend to traditional scents like florals and incense notes, but every now and then get a bit far afield. i like essential oils and stuff around the house too, but wayne gets al sorts of asthma dn such so i dont usually.