so, i have a referral for a rheumatologist, and i got a bazillion vials of blood drawn for more tests.
now those of you who have followed this for a while (or know me in person) know that even though i donate platelets i am *terrified* of needles. so you think about how much pain and lack of motion i must be in to go in and ASK the doctor to stab me.. repeatedly..
so i had fasted since midnight in the hopes that they could draw blood today. (hope? i must be sick) so no caffeine and no food.
they had to tie a rubber thingie around the hurting elbow to get the blood drawn. i just about fainted.
anyway i think it was 6 vials of blood, but of course to a phobic even one is one too many.
also, the swelling in my wrist? that is bad enough that my wristwatch had to be loosened three holes and STILL left imprints? so that i gave up wearing it? yeah.. its bad. the BLOOD tech noticed it.
(as an aside the state medical coverage thingie? wont pay for Maxalt (migraine med) cannot be too surprised, the stuff is expensive. so no Maxalt for Kirsten.)
so, having arrived on time for a 1pm doctor's appt you would think i would have no trouble going home, eating, and getting to my class at 6, right?
I finally got into the back of the office (the exam room) at 4pm...
got out at 5
ran home, threw the school stuff in the car and raced through rush hour downtown traffic to get to school. got there at just on time having thrown some "i guess its food" down my throat.
remember i had blood drawn?
and i was in pain in BOTH my elbows? (yes the original one is still worse)
and hadnt really eaten?
and had a caffeine withdrawal headache?
that was FINAL EXAM drawing for my life drawing class.
shrug. i dont think i did my best work, but i dont think i did badly....