violins, update

Jan 24, 2007 11:44

well, i survived lesson one.....

If i gripe at anyone, PLEASE understand i need your support, and appreciate any advice, and its not aimed at you....

its just so blasted frustrating

i was never a GOOD violinist, but i knew this stuff. i DID... and now i have to learn it all over.  between the long time lag, and the head injury and nerve damage, the "body memory" is really slow to catch up. 
the teacher kinda looked a bit rattled when i pointed out that i have almost no feeling in my hands, and have to work pretty hard to develop a good touch.  he gamely gave me a bunch of excersizes to try.  reminds me of physical therapy..... >ick<

i went to get a shoulder rest today.  boy, that makes a good difference.   i went to this really fancy place recomended by my teacher......the guy who owns the shop (he makes and repairs bows and violins) came out and showed me how to put it on.  he also corrected my head position....
i KNEW the way the instructor showed me felt wrong, but i put it down to being new...... this way is better.
 i am wondering if i  didnt understand the instructor... i will find out next tuesday.

the guy today however agreed that i needed to just practice holding the instrument, and build up those muscles so i dont get tired so fast.
the neck injury is letting me know that too.....

everything i do sounds wrong >sigh<
it all sounds flat, it probably is.
i plan on getting my digital tuner out and trying to play scales with it turned on.

now on a better note >bad pun<

there is SO much nicer stuff out there than when i was in lessons back in the dark ages.......

digital tuners that clamp on the top of the instrument!
umpty kinds of shoulder rests, that dont HURT.  the ones i used in school HURT, these feel good....
more rosin than i ever knew existed
i had no idea there were that many kinds of strings
did you know there is a book on caring for your violin?
a magazine called "Strings" that is wonderul, if a bit over my head right now.
downloadable music scores
arranged by level? easy to ouch
i never saw a case like the one i own now
more varieties of bow than you can shake a .. bow stick at
electric, acoustic, and travel violins (including one that packs in a 2 inch PVC pipe!)

we did NOT have this tsuff when i was in grade school.
of course we didnt have the internet, web shopping, and lots of other stuff either.
(i am tempted to say "steel, indoor plumbing, electricity..." cause i feel so old , especially compared to the KIDS in the waiting area for class.)

anyone up for really simple duets and string groups next Darkover?

lessons, violins, old, neat toys

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