Dec 21, 2010 17:11

i am returning today as defective.

from about 3 pm yesterday to almost 3 pm today. definitely a do over

wayne, having a blood sugar issue, none the less decided that it was more3 important to get an oil change than to eat.. because he was not thinking well.
now as far as i knew the car did need to get its oil changed, but..

he was in a rush because we had to drive to Virginia and be in court.. (traffic ticket from Stierbach Holiday Faire) and he thought the car had been a bit off, and noticed the oil needed to be changed

so he had the Prius oil Strauss, where we get a lot of the minor fix it stuff done.

at O blink early, but still running a bit late, we left the house to drive to court in VA.
it smelled of oil, maybe.
now its next to impossible to get an oil change without some getting on the engine and etc, so when the smell went away we didn't think much of it.

car ran a bit rough for a few minutes and then leveled off. probably the extreme cold...

everything was fin until Maryland

We JUST got onto 495 off of I95 when the hood flared with smoke and smoke filled the car.

we managed to pull over and opened the hood

Our Oil cap on top of the engine was missing

we eventually found it, on the little shelf at the place a mechanic might put it down while filling the car... they had left the cap off the oil and it had been splashing and spilling out.

having no way to know how much damage the engine had sustained we called a tow truck, caled the dealer, and called Strauss. it was only the fact that they had been very good to us that let me go along with it when they said "dont get it towed to a dealer, bring it to us.. we will pay the tow."

we even called to verify that YES they will pay the tow.

they refused. "too much money"
so we had to put it on AA towing (using up some more of our mile allowance) and they were willing to pay the rest.
they SAY only about a quart was down.
its "fine now"

we are taking it to the dealer to be checked out..

oh yes, and the dealer says "they put the wrong oil in it, which could void your warrantee, so we will have to completely change it."

so not only did they (yes, we verified) substitute a different weight of oil without asking, they left the cap off it. which led to us being stranded in teh freezing cold off I495

and they didnt so much as offer us a free future service or a bloody air freshener, not so much as an "OH No i am so sorry!"

and so we will be down a car, again, while the dealer checks it out.

and we didnt get to court, either....

have i mentioned how much i love AAA lately?

angry, prius, auto repairs, car issues, bad service, cursed, strauss

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