i will not rant on this blog...... i will not rant on this blog.. i will not
ah to hell with it.
more details on my
thorninthefoot blog of course, but in very brief?
Netflix is discriminating against the people who could be, and probably are, their best customers. the deaf and hearing impaired. whether they are doing it deliberately or not, they have been contacted many times by deaf people asking for a search able list of captioned films, and other simple fixes. and have not responded. they also have no "non phone" contact points.
EDIT: the lack of any kind of contact, even a reply of "its not as simple as it sounds" is a great deal of the issue.
and SUNY Albany had their president do a super secret gutting of the humanities and language departments. there is a WICKED good retort from a biochemist linked form Thorninthefoot about this.
i can only tell you that i am in college, and i am constantly confronted by bright educated HS grads who dont know any history or cultural references that pre date the 80s... and most fo them have no clue how to work in a multi national or border less world. and THESE are the people who chose fields like animation, fashion and marketing.
EDIT: at about the time i posted this i also found out that Bob and Carol walker were in a horrific car accident, (see next post) like many of my parents friends in the deaf community, they were very active in access and disabilities issues... and Closed Captioning services.
because of this i have discovered i am ..... rather more cranky and touchy than is deserved over ANYTHING involving disability access and CC.
so i am going to be not replying to some comments, and ask that you bear this in mind when reading anything i did say.