First of all,
krings_keep is fabulous!
she came down to help me at the mall show and ended up staying at our house tearing the place apart (in a controlled fashion) to find my lost credit card machine.
She also did some MAJOR cleaning, both alone and with Wayne, while i was at the show every day.
If you live near NJ you should totally hire her to come clean your house, i understand she has reasonable rates even when you cant pad her fee with free fabric and yarn.
krings_keep has the magic power to make Wayne actually agree to throw out stuff. she should come back over, weekly!
even if she hadn't worked like a ___(fill in idiom of your choice)___ all week, that all by itself would have been a help.
we have gotten rid of THREE BOXES of towels. (gleeful happy dance)
i have been trying to convince wayne to get rid of our excess towels for years, instead of just buying more. many of these towels are clean (well, thanks to krings_keep they are, anyway) and useful, but ... having THAT many towels just meant no place to put them, and a lack of inclination/incentive to wash towels (because we have more)... which led to damp towels piling up.. which led to mold.....
even when they were all clean, seriously. no place to put them!
row home, we live in a ROW HOME....
so three boxes of perfectly usable towels have gone out to be used by people who really need them. (no, of course we didn't TRASH them, they are going to good homes)
of course having someone i know can really USE my old fabric that i wasn't doing anything with, makes it easier to get rid of that, too....
Kat (Krings_keep) gets a small metric ton of quilting fabric, some of it gets passed on to mutual friends, some of it she keeps to use for quilts....... and i get drawers back!!!!
a good deal all around , i think
i did get the fun of sitting down talking about how my color theory class applies to quilting .... nice to have an immediate use for a school class, isnt it?
The bedroom
the front of the radiator is cleared. Ok we have some boxes there, but its BOXES not just random heaps. The chair in front of the computer is not piled up with stuff, and most of the floor is clean. there is still a lot to be done in the bedroom, but its definite progress. i lament the fact that the lack of a car makes trips to the dump impossible to do casually.. sigh.
we (mostly Kat, i helped a little) cleared out the front of a dresser in the room , too, and now have access to three of Wayne's old clothes drawers (before we got the new wardrobes in the other room). They were full of old clothes that dont fit him, which will be going to Goodwill as soon as i can. This frees up three drawers that can be put to good use.
Pantry/breakfast room
On my own time, i have been going through the pantry trying to throw out food packages that havent been used in ....Ohmygodtheexpirationdateiswhat?! and finding way too much of it that got shoved to the back of a spot and forgotten.
two trash bags of "this doesnt even belong in the food area" and "it may have been food once, i am not sure" plus "Ohmygodtheexpirationdateiswhat" later and its *starting* to look better. i will spend much of today re-arranging it to be more logical based on what we use frequently.
we desperately need to get rid of more books, but at this point most of the need to prune is wayne's, and obviously only he can do that. finding the credit machine sort of took priority over a lot.
OH! du'oh! almost forogot......
in addition to doing eleventy million loads of laundry and cleaning the bedroom, Kat also cleaned up the back yard.
it looks incredibly better, i hadnt realized how MUCH debris and etc had built up back there.
still need a plumber to look at the storm drain, but thats a seperate problem
the only sad part is that the living room ended up getting sort of "re cluttered" while we were shoving boxes and bags around, so right now you dont see the improvement when you just walk in.
it is improved, trust me.