happy fourth of July

Jul 04, 2010 08:43

Happy Independence Day for those of my flist who are associated with the USA!

Today is a great day to enjoy all sorts of things, from contemplating Life, Liberty , and the Pursuit of Happiness (and what it means to you) over to shopping and fireworks.

but let us not forget that those freedoms are bought at a cost.
Our responsibilities include something as simple (and under appreciated) as voting, to something as dangerous as serving in the military in times of war (like.. ya know... now) and there are people right NOW for whom the "rockets red glare" isnt fun.....at all.

so while you are, i hope, enjoying the hot dogs, corn on the cob, fireworks and big sales, please also contemplate what YOU can do.

can you knit? knit something for someone in need, whether its a solider who needs a helmet liner, or a baby who needs a preemie cap.

have books? donate to books behind bars, or books for soldiers, or any number of places...

have time? the USO , soup kitchens, the Red Cross, various "back to work" charities.. there is someplace to volunteer.

and remember, always:
to be a citizen in anyplace that lets you vote means you are making decisions about YOUR government. try to take the time to be an INFORMED citizen.

independence day, july 4th, holiday

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