Surcoat research

Jul 18, 2006 12:31

As many of you know, when I am in garb at SCA events I wear Sideless Surcoats. I love those things. You can throw them on over almost *anything* and look good. Combined with a good Hat, a Sideless Surcoat makes you really look fancy, while still allowing you to do things like move, lift, breath, etc.

I am researching the evolution and wear of the Sideless Surcoat in history, with an eye to writing a small booklet for the SCA. Many people have already thanked me for my directions on how to cut a sideless surcoat to look good (to modern eyes) on gentles of all sizes. (Yes, I will be posting that, as soon as I figure out how..)

This is my collection of *period* images of surcoats. Some of them were sent to me without any idea of where they are from! So, "Do you recognize this manuscript?"....

I am always looking for more information on surcoats, cyclas, sideless surcoats, etc. especially primary documents, but almost anything can be useful!

surcoat, textiles, garb, medieval, research, sca

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