Feb 17, 2010 15:43
For many liturgical Christians, this is Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday is the beginning of our season of Lent: a time of fasting, Abstinence, Prayer , and preparation for Easter.
for those of you not in one of those churches, its the day some of your friends and co workers go around with smudges on their heads.
If they are Catholic they are also eating lightly today, and not eating meat.
There are a variety of observances for Ash Wednesday and Lent...
when i was a practicing Episcopalian we did the ashes part (and church, on a weekday) but we didn't fast, or skip meat.... and while i recall a few lectures about giving things up for Lent it was somewhat.. voluntary... and haphazardly observed.
The official rules of the Roman Catholic Church call for Fasting today (and Good Friday) where you eat lightly (one normal meal, and two snacks that add up to one meal or less) and you abstain from meat today, and every Friday in Lent.
For the Orthodox the Fast started earlier, some of the comments have links! (i knew they started the fast earlier, but wasnt sure when)
some of the Orthodox apparently go back to the old medieval style of Lenten observance (familiar to SCAdians who study food history) as "no eggs, meat, milk, or products there of" for Lent. Basically Vegan for the duration.
one of my on line friends said her Church gives up Olive Oil, as well...
so, for those of you embarking on a Lenten Journey of repentance and fasting and almsgiving... May God bless your endeavors.
For those of you who dont follow this , please be kind, some of the crazy folks have given up caffeine, and are not in their right minds yet.....
Edited to add: great links in the comments!
for me? while i am only obligated to the "no meat Fridays" and the "fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday" i am making an attempt at going vegetarian to vegan for the duration. i have no idea how well this will work. however, since i STILL need to lose a great deal of weight for my knees to be happy, i dont think missing a few meals would hurt me....
still i dont plan on missing any meals, just changing what i am eating.
raw food,
ash wednesday,