updatey like stuff

Sep 08, 2009 09:45

over on thorninthefoot i posted a link to the school district saying the handicapped (Autistic) kid cannot bring in his service dog.
please feel free to read, comment, and write scathing letters to the school board.

behind on making jewelry for the Red bank NJ show this Sunday. what else is new

have to take time today to go to bank, post office, etc.  am also expecting packages today. sigh

supposed to donate platelets today, may not feel well enough.

birthday dinner went  pretty well. i prefer a more gingery sauce for my teppanyaki, but any Japanese food is good Japanese food.

house is a mess, should do lots more cleaning, missed trash pickup this morning, dmn.

decided to talk to poodle rescue and etc about getting the approval started for a poodle. dont want to have to try to deal with finding new dog when in mourning like last time.  found out that apparently there are a LOT of poodles in need of homes.  many more than i thought.  may end up with poodle earlier than expected.
(i love standard poodles.  plus they dont "shed"  which would help with the house and the husbands allergies.  now may not be a good time though)

have to bring orchids in from outside.

did i mention behind on jewelry?

birthday, rescue, merchanting, poodle, handicaps, dog, update, thorninthefoot

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