tried to get back to sleep after police incident (see last post) not much luck, finally dozed off in time to be woken up by the alarm.. wayne and i staggered around a bit, then i fell back into bed, and wayne fell asleep on me. woken up again by
keastree calling to see where i was.
uh, waking up?
stagger downstairs, get food.. (yes i ate all teh wrong things, not part of my diet at all) and wayne starts to help me load the car.
the van smells moldy, from the wet ez ups i think.....
anyway we pull a few boxes to the car, and take the drum carder down the stairs into the car.....
and the heat seems awfully high out there, sunny too.....
and i get inside to make water for the trip, and i cant stand up straight.
i have to lean on the wall. wayne says i was gulping ice water, i dont remember.. i was just hot. i put wet cloth on me and it felt like ice cubes.
i asked wayne if a doctor could help, he said no.
so i go upstairs and lie down in the AC and make wayne call keastree.. because i feel horrible about canceling like this again.
kea says i should go to a doctor, so wayne says he will call.....
i have an appt for 4 pm. i dont know what they will be able to do..
i wish dr betsy lived near by..
witchwestphalia ... i would bet she could do something. but she works in western Mass.
i can sort of sit up, for short periods of time. i feel ok lying down in the path of the ac. but just sitting typing i keep having to lean back on the chair.
if anyone has any good ideas, or decent health workings, or clues, or prayers.. lay em on me.
and for the record i am peeing clear, and light colored (except when i take my b vitamins then its sort of green) so i dont think i can be doing badly at drinking enough water.... can i?