my goodness.... what an *interesting* neighborhood i live in.....
for those of you following this saga, you may recall that not overly long ago we had a police strike on the house next door... apparently by mistake... but (shrug) they arrested one of my neighbors..... and let him go that day... after a great deal of fuss.
now, once again proving that in this neighborhood you cannot get the police to respond when you NEED them.....
the neighbors grandson, who doesnt live there....
he has been hanging around, sleeping on their porch they wont let him in, they HAVE offered to pay for his drug rehab... but he left rehab. so they call the police to pick him up.... nope... they wont show up..
so today he is back, wandering around muttering. being high.. and they tell him to leave, agree to rehab, or they call the cops
so he goes out behind the houses... my dog starts going off (GOOD DOG) and i yell out the back.. because i see some guy crouched over shooting up or something behind my yard...and he leaves muttering crazy talk. (i see who it is as he is leaving)
15 minutes later the fire department is putting out a fire in the vacant lot next to my house.. someone lit some tar paper and started a trash fire. whether by accident or not we dont know.
the neighbor thinks it was him. we talked a bit, i told them to get a restraining order. it wont stop him, but it gives the cops one more thing to hold him on when he breaks it. i also told them to beef up their security. (apparently he beat up his sister already for drug money)