what did i do? break a mirror over the head of an idol while defiling consecrated ground?????
i am sick again, (yes. getting better or i wouldn't be able to post)
it started Sunday..... and i have been up all night.... so has
whouseknecht ...(he wasnt sick, but he was helping me out and its hard to sleep when your wife keeps running to the bathroom....i am finally feeling better.
The sad thing is i was ok in the morning. by lunch i was a bit shaky, but i felt better after eating so i figured it was my blood sugar. i wasnt hungry at dfinner time, but i ate with Wayne....
after dinner i felt like i had over eaten , even though it wasnt that much food... within an hour or so my stomach felt "tight". By early bedtime i felt ill.. and my stomach felt like a drum. Then i started throwing up.... i did that a lot... figured that was the end of it... tried to lie down.. had to keep running to the bathroom..
finally put a bucket next to the bed because i was not MAKING it to the bathroom.
Then I started having it come out both ends.. at once. so there i was running to the bathroom. having severe diarrhea and puking at the same time. That went on every half hour until probably 5 am... after that it was just coming out in the downward direction. Wayne has had to take my cash receipts to the bank for me, as i cant leave the house.... this after being up all night with me. I started being able to hold down even a sip of liquid at 730.. i am now trying to balance the "i am waaay dehydrated" versus the "do not stress the system".
since we both ate exactly the same things, i can only assume that i am more sensitive to something than he is, or the residual effects of the prior weekend were still doing something.
same old same old. prayers and etc welcome.... i really need to not be sick. seriously. this is bad. also i have things i have to finish for Arisia.