panic, panic, panic...
its Friday, i hope to leave Saturday morning, and i am in no way shape or form packed..... sigh... typical. i am still trying to find some of my garb, because i know that having bought all this Middle Eastern and hot weather garb, and packed all my casual Saris...... we will have a cold wet Pennsic (yay! this would be good!) if i don't also pack my cold weather garb.......
sadly i cannot afford to leave my cold weather gear at home in order to cause a cold wet Pennsic.
as usual i find a lot of stuff needs to be washed that i thought was clean, everything is hiding, and the van appears to have shrunk....
like i said, typical
with money being as tight as it is, this is going to be a "Pennsic on a shoestring"... so i will be having some sales during the first week in order to generate some cash for.. you know... food, water, turnpike tolls, silly stuff like that.
big Pennsic sales include all in stock yarns, Jet beads, Turquoise beads, and some gently used garb.
i know everyone is pretty low on spare cash right now, fortunately silk and linen threads are CHEAP (mostly 3 bucks a spool or less) and you can get a lot of garb made, embroidery done, and generally amuse yourself for a lot cheaper than, say, a movie... so even though a lot of people are doing a shoestring Pennsic this year, i hope to make some good sales anyway.
Opinion Poll
should i take a trunk of Corsets even though someone else is already selling Brute Force leather corsets?
my ribs still hurt ... a lot. However i have once again been reminded that all is both hunky and dorry with me compared to
filkertom. He is still laid up, without even computer access. As many of you know he is a self employed filker, actually making a living at this! and has no insurance, like many artists. So long term hospital stays are a bad thing (tm).
There is a NEW fund raising project to help pay his bills while he recovers:
Tom Smith Fund Raiser CD is a collection of covers of Tom's best (and worst, which is sometimes the same thing) filks by an assortment of other wonderful filkers all yours to download in exchange for a donation! There are also links to more information , and that fund raiser page, from the Girl Genius Web Comic, by Phil and Kaja Foglio... which of course you should be reading anyway, and voting for, right?
If anyone needs to contact me, i will have my cell phone with me most of the time, but otherwise contact me through
whouseknecht . i will be highly unlikely to have the time to check my email or live journal account until i get back.