This man is perhaps the fakest human being to walk the Earth.
(Not to mention a big flaming Homo)
This woman is perhaps the most talentless actress to ever exceed to the extent that she has in the profession.
(Not to mention a big fucking fake, as well)
Together they have created the biggest publicity stunt ever.
Congratulations. You made America care for some god-foresaken reason.
Billy Corgan was awesome but Sleater-Kinney was all like ohmykgfuckinggodIwanttocreammypants
We got to see a rap video production. I did particularly like the one guy wearing the "I'm Black" shirt. Funny.
Oh, I love how my computer just shut down on me twice in amidst writting this entry. I'd love to fix it, but that seems to be out of my control even though I'm the only person who uses this thing.
I love how people use me for my drug affiliation. I also like how people still spread rumors about me, didn't I graduate from high school a week ago? I honestly was naive enough at one point to think that some people grow out of that shit.
Oh, by the way I know I haven't addressed this issue or anything, but yeah, if you have a problem with me, do the mature thing and talk to me about it. Please don't go and bitch about it in your livejournal. K? k, thanks. I did think it was a little overboard for you to say that you didn't like that I existed, though.
I really would like to talk to you, but oh well.
My baby loves me
I'm so happy
Happiness makes me
A modern girl
I took my money
And bought a TV
TV Brings me
Closer to the world
My baby loves me
I'm so hungry
Hunger makes me
A modern girl
I took my money
And bought a donut
The hole's the size of
The entire world
My baby loves me
I'm so angry
Anger makes me
A modern girl
I took my money
I couldn't buy nothin'
I'm sick of this
Brave new world
My whole life
was like a picture
of a sunny day
My whole life
looked like a picture
of a sunny day