
Jun 04, 2005 18:08

Added another one, just because.

Of Tainted Blood and Love
Rated: PG
Characters: Regulus, Kreacher, Mr. and Mrs. Black

Of Tainted Blood and Love
January 2005-01-05
Disclaimer: All characters belong to JK Rowling. No profit is derived from this fiction.

In response to a challenge given by Violet Gryfindor (Golden Phoenix) to take a minor character and tell a brief moment in his or her childhood. In my case, the character is a he, and he is Regulus Black.

The offspring of all riches: pride, vanity, ostentation, arrogance, tyranny. -Mark Twain

* * *

Regulus was quietly reading in the study when he heard his mother’s piercing shriek. Startled, his blue-grey eyes flickered towards the door, and he shut his book with an abrupt snap.

“What on earth?” he muttered.

"Good Merlin!" Upstairs, his father’s voice echoed his thoughts. Caelum Black had been leisurely reading the paper before his wife's untimely interruption. “Odessa?” A series of creaks and groans from the floorboards resounded throughout the house as he descended the stairs. “Odessa, what’s the matter?”

Regulus quickly rose to his feet, sticking his head out from the study door and watching his father’s narrow frame disappear into the parlour. He sighed, wondering what on earth it would be this time, and followed his father, softly treading so that he wouldn't disturb any conversation his parents might be having. He leaned against the doorframe and nervously pressed his lips into a thin line, surveying the scene. Kreacher, their house elf, walked up behind him, but Regulus paid the elf no mind.

His mother’s face was a ghostly pale colour, half hidden by thick, dark hair. Her long fingers clutched a piece of parchment-a letter, Regulus gathered-to her chest, which was heaving up and down in irregular spasms. His father was standing next to her, looking especially impatient. He was no doubt irritated with her theatrics.

“Well? What is it?” Mr. Black asked, leering at his wife. He hated it when she was overly dramatic, but it was a fixture of her personality.

Odessa pulled herself together to a small extent, and narrowed her eyes at her husband. “A letter from Bellatrix,” she said, coolly. She heaved another laboured sigh before adding, “about your son.” She held out the piece of parchment to him, quickly looking away from it, as though she couldn’t bear to have it in her sight.

“Sirius?” Caelum repeated. “He’s only just arrived at Hogwarts.” A sudden dawning of comprehension flickered in his eyes, and he swiftly snatched the letter away from his wife, smoothing it out and scanning it thoroughly.

“I see,” he muttered. His right arm twitched slightly and the colour drained from his face. Crumpling the parchment up in his fist, he tossed it away furiously. It landed on the floor not far from Regulus's feet.

Regulus watched all of this quietly from his position at the door. Whatever Sirius had done, it obviously wasn't good. Nothing good ever resulted in Father’s twitching and blanching. Of course, if it was Bellatrix who was writing the letter, it most certainly wasn’t good news. She never bothered with bearing anything but bad news, something that she took great pleasure in doing.

Caelum gave Odessa a sharp look. “Sirius didn’t send a letter?” She shook her head at him. “Couldn’t be bothered with it, I see. Or perhaps he was worried about the repercussions,” he murmured quietly. His fists clenched and unclenched, and Regulus could just picture them itching to wrap them around someone's neck.

Odessa lowered herself down onto the plush, green couch, fanning her face with a free hand. “How did we go wrong with him, Caelum?” she moaned, “the heir to our fortune, our eldest son!”

Caelum stared at her stonily, his strong jaw set, his dark eyes looking positively murderous. “I assure you that his placement in Gryffindor is not my fault,” he replied in a soft hiss.

Regulus’s eyes widened a bit. Sirius was placed in Gryffindor? Well, that certainly was remarkable news. He almost snickered, but the thought of attracting his parents’ attention was unwise, so he bit his tongue. It was little wonder his parents were absolutely livid. If there was any antithesis of the Black household, it would be the Gryffindor lifestyle. Only Sirius would go and have himself sorted with the proud and arrogant Gryffindors.

He gazed at his mother, whose lips slowly curled up into a twisted smile. She let out a self-aggrandizing laugh, and shook her head at her husband. “Of course it isn’t your fault. Nothing is ever your fault.”

Regulus went rigid, bracing himself for an explosion. Caelum Black did not take insults or mocking very easily.

In one swift movement, Caelum dropped his arm to his side where his wand was concealed in the pockets of his robes. Odessa's eyes were locked on his, and she flashed him a taunting grin. “Go on,” she goaded, “go on and try it, love.”

It was then that Kreacher took it upon himself to rush forward and place himself between the feuding couple. “Is Mistress needing Kreacher to fetch a quill and parchment for writing a letter to young Master Sirius?” He trembled slightly, but his loyalty to his mistress was so great that he was willing to bear the brunt of whatever her husband was planning on doing to her.

She smiled at the elf--a smile much more genuine then the one she reserved for her husband. “Oh no, Kreacher. I won’t be writing any letters. A Howler, perhaps, but no letters,” she said in a coddling voice.

“Would Mistress prefer a cup of tea?” Kreacher croaked out.

“I should think a glass of brandy would be more appropriate, Kreacher,” she decided. The elf nodded and quickly went to the bar where a decanter of brandy was sitting. He returned to her almost at once, handing over a healthy glassful of brandy.

Regulus took Kreacher’s distraction as the opportunity to escape unnoticed, surreptitiously edging out of the doorway and back towards the hall. He had taken a total of three steps when his father’s voice barked out, “Regulus!”

Slumping his shoulders in defeat, he sighed and turned to face his father. He was caught.

“Yes, father?”

“Have you been standing there this entire time?”

There was no point in lying. “Yes, sir.”

His father pulled out his wand, his fingers slowly curling around it, forming a tight grip. “I see. So you’re well aware of your brother’s current…situation?”

“I am, sir.” Once more, Regulus thought about Sirius running around in robes of scarlet and gold. He had heard Bellatrix admonish the Gryffindor house often since she began her education at Hogwarts. Even most of the older adults rebuked Dumbledore for his typical Gryffindor policies. The thought of Sirius, the beloved heir and first-born son, falling from grace pleased Regulus a bit. It must have shown on his face, because his father inhaled sharply, scowling at him.

“And you find this very amusing?” Caelum asked quietly.

“No,” Regulus shook his head fervently. “No, of course not.” He had always looked up to his brother, but he couldn’t help the gentle flutter of excitement in his stomach from this new opportunity. It was his chance to step up and become everything that Sirius couldn't, or really, wouldn't, be. Regulus could become the son treated with respect, instead of being the son fussed over by his mother and ignored by everyone else.

“Come here,” his father ordered.

Regulus stepped forward tentatively before pausing to glance at his mother, who was still sitting on the couch. Her face was quite impassive.

His father gave an angry growl and flicked his wand at Regulus. “I said come here!” he repeated sternly. Regulus gasped as he felt his muscles being controlled by an unknown force, and he was dragged forward, almost tripping over his own feet because of his resistance to the curse. He silently reprimanded himself for resisting the Imperius. Sirius had once told him that it wasn’t so bad if one could accept and endure it. It was the resistance that made it worse.

“Father,” he pleaded. He was inches away from his father now, and his body was visibly trembling.

“Regulus Owein Black, pull yourself together,” his father ordered, wand steadily pointed at his son. “Black men do not show weakness.”

Regulus felt his chin lift, his shoulders straighten out, and spine lengthen so that he was standing tall. He tried to calm himself, to stop trembling. His father wouldn’t lift the spell until he was standing proudly, surely.

Odessa nodded approvingly. “That’s enough, Caelum.”

Caelum glanced at Odessa and lifted an eyebrow. Although they were arguing, he gave her a curt nod and relented, withdrawing the curse. He leaned over so that his face was even with Regulus’s and his eyes narrowed slightly, searching his son’s face. “Clearly, your mother and I need to further demonstrate the importance of the values in this household. Of all respectable pureblood households, for that matter.”

“Yes, sir.” Regulus nodded in agreement, swallowing down a lump in his throat. He was not used to being on the receiving end of one of his father’s lectures. Sirius was always the one getting in trouble, having the importance of being the heir to a noble household instilled into his mind daily.

“I’m glad you understand, son.” Caelum straightened up and turned towards his wife. “When Sirius returns for the holiday, I expect every member of this household to set an example and educate him on exactly what it means to be part of the Black family.”

“A lovely idea,” Odessa conceded over her glass of brandy.

“Regulus,” he continued, “don’t let yourself become influenced by any ideas that Sirius will have when he returns home. No doubt he will be affected by madcap Albus Dumbledore and his absurd, romantic ideals about Muggles, crossbreeds, and the like.” He was so adamant about his distaste for the Headmaster that flecks of saliva were expelled from his mouth during his speech.

“I won’t, sir.” Regulus blinked at him. He didn't want to be influenced by Sirius, and was a bit put out by the fact that his father thought Sirius held that much sway over him in the first place. He wondered if he should elaborate on this to make sure his father knew he understood, and added, “Bellatrix and Narcissa have explained to me the importance of keeping wizardring lines pure. The bloodlines must remain uncontaminated.”

“Have they? Hm,” his father mused. “Very good. Perhaps I should enlist their help as well.”

Regulus nodded slightly. He had been hoping that his father would commend him on his knowledge of the pureblood family policies, but of course, it was Bellatrix and Narcissa who received the praise. Would he always be an afterthought?

Odessa spoke up suddenly, “Regulus, dear, why don’t you run along to the study? Your father and I have a Howler to send.” She smiled slightly at her husband, who nodded back.

“All right, mum,” Regulus said, promptly leaving the parlour. He didn't particularly fancy being around to hear his parents screaming at Sirius, anyhow. Finally free of his parents, he retreated back to the study and settled himself in the large, black leather armchair.

He had seen this coming, hadn’t he? He thought back to the past summer, when his cousins had spent an entire week at Grimmuald place. He recollected how Andromeda had taken Sirius aside, telling him what he should expect of Hogwarts. Andromeda had been a Ravenclaw. It wasn’t Slytherin house, the Black house, but it was respectable enough--better than Hufflepuff and Gryffindor, to say the least. She and Sirius had really bonded over the summer, much to Bellatrix and Narcissa’s distaste. They insisted that Andromeda was turning out to be a bad egg.

Sirius had little patience for Regulus's constant tailing. More irritable than usual, Sirius shooed him off and held clandestine meetings with Andromeda. When he caught Regulus lurking about, he’d locked him in the cloak closet for two hours. Regulus was still sore about it.

What had Bellatrix told him? Something about Andromeda’s mind being slowly poisoned with mud, and that she was trying to poison Sirius, too. It hadn’t really made sense to him at the time, but now, now it was all coming together. Narcissa had also mentioned that it was better to ignore people who shared Dumbledore’s ideals altogether. He wondered if she was ignoring Sirius now that he was a Gryffindor, a rival.

Was Sirius a bad egg now? His parents seemed to think that they could still force him to see the wizardring world their way, the right way. Perhaps Sirius was still able to change. Perhaps he wouldn't adopt Dumbledore's ideals after all.

Sirius would still be the heir, still be the smart, talented, favoured son.

Regulus wondered where that would leave him.

He firmly resolved not to become a bad egg. He wanted to make his parents proud, to be accepted by his cousins. He decided that the only way to do so was to study up on the importance of being a Black--to be proud of his pure blood-untainted blood.

He recollected his father mentioning a book located in the study, and quickly sprang up from his chair, walking over to the towering bookcases that lined the walls. Hundreds of books of all shapes and sizes filled the rows of shelves. He scanned through them, eyes darting through the titles in search of the correct one.

“Ah,” he muttered, pulling a large, black, leather-bound book out from a shelf above his head. He turned it over in his hands, and gazed at the lettering on the front. Large, silver words glittered back at him, embossed on the cover.

“Toujours Pur” he read. It would be the key to his success.

* * *

A/N: This is just a short glimpse into Regulus’s life, and how he began to distance himself from his brother. Up until that point, I imagine he doted on his older brother, as most younger brothers do.

The Black family names, as you might notice, are wrong. This is because I wrote it long before HBP came out and JK released the Black Family tree… I do believe that Regulus is R.A.B., which is great. From the moment I read his name in OotP he had been one of my favorite characters to write about.

Caelum is a star, like most of the Black family. I figured if both sides were named after stars, then perhaps both Black brothers were as well. Caelum's meaning is "sculptor's chisel". Fitting for a man who has such a handsome family, don't you agree? It’s much better than Orion, which is so…cliché. *sighs*

Odessa is Greek and means “a long journey”. There are lots of tidbits in history connecting the name Odessa and various political conspiracies…

Regulus’s middle name, Owein, means “Young Warrior”. Appropriate, I think, because he joined the Death Eaters so early.

hp, fiction, regulus

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