Some recs

Jul 12, 2005 21:32

Being noble by poseida9 is a wonderful little fic in second person about Ginny's feelings for Harry. Usually Ginny/Harry stories are too citrus for my taste, but this is really well done.

Unfogging the Future Madame Snape creates a hysterically funny story about Sybil Trelawney, who mistakenly predicts a relationship between herself and the grumpy Potions Master. In true Sybil style, she goes to great lengths to attract Severus Snape.

In His Keep by Cesario21. This is probably one of my favorite fics ever. Poor Snape is given the task of breaking the news of Luna's father's death to her. Cesario's Snape and Luna are both lovely.

In the Company of Wolves by alpha 3760 This is a wonderful Remus/OC fic (which is saying something because I am not much for OCs). Alpha creates a story rich in the werewolf culture and creates original characters that you will steadily grow attached to. You'll be sorry when you're through reading it.

Clockwork by xylodemon This is one of the better Molly fics that I have ever read, and even anti-Molly readers will appreciate the way xylodemon has chosen to portray her. The history behind the clock is also wonderful.
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